Project 19-4060
Streets affected:
Phase 1 - Spring 2025: Airport Road from North of Cranston Drive Roundabout to 300 metres north of Huntsmill Drive and Old Church Road from Airport Road to Marilyn Street.
Phase 2 - Winter 2028: From 100 metres north of King Street to North of Cranston Drive Roundabout.
The Region of Peel is proceeding with detailed design and construction for improvements along Airport Road from King Street to Huntsmill Drive. The Project is a culmination of studies and planning by the Region to improve Airport Road and the Caledon East community by focusing on streetscape improvements, traffic calming and enhanced pedestrian safety.
30% completion of the design was reached by October 2023.
60% completion of the design was reached by June 2024.
Project area
Detailed design work for improvements on Airport Road are taking place from 100 m north of King Street to 300 m north of Huntsmill Drive.
The challenges of Airport Road through Caledon East are similar to many other rural areas with small urban communities along a major arterial road. Airport Road was originally designed to accommodate high speed, through traffic. This has posed safety concerns and, as the community grows larger, must be addressed through a corridor redesign.
The detailed design work refines the planning done for Airport Road and will lead into the preparation and execution of construction. The project will:
- Ensure Airport Road is appropriately designed for planned developments in and around Caledon East;
- Make the street safer for all modes of transport to use and enjoy;
- Promote physical activity along the corridor;
- Deter truck traffic and other high-speed through traffic from travelling through Caledon East via Airport Road; and
- Ensure that improvements respect and preserve the character of Main Street.
Environmental Assessment documents
The Region of Peel completed a Schedule C Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study for Airport Road in the Town of Caledon. Key recommendations include:
- Reduced lane widths throughout most of the corridor;
- Roundabouts at Castlederg Side Road-Boston Mills Road and Cranston Drive;
- Layby parking with streetscaping from Caledon Trailway to Walker Road;
- Combination of multi-use paths and sidewalks in urban areas and paved shoulders in rural areas;
- Improved cycling and pedestrian crossings at intersections; and
- Improved sidewalk on the north side and new multi-use path on the south side of Old Church Road from Airport Road to Marilyn Street.
For more details, refer to the environmental assessment page.
Next steps
- 30% design submission - October 2023
- 60% design submission - July 2024
- 90% design submission - February 2025
- Tender - Spring/Summer 2025
- Construction, weather permitting:
- Phase 1 (Cranston Drive to Huntsmill Drive) - Summer 2025
- Phase 2 (King Street to Cranston Drive) - Winter 2029
Town of Caledon Urban Design Study
The Town of Caledon has completed the Streetscape and Urban Design Study for Caledon East, which includes elements along the Airport Road corridor. Although the two projects are separate, the Region and the Town of Caledon are working collaboratively to include various elements of the Streetscape and Urban Study in the Airport Road Improvement project. Improvements to the right-of-way are part of the Region’s scope of work, while the Town’s Study includes the land use in the areas immediately surrounding the right-of-way. The Region is collaborating with the Town where it is appropriate.
Roundabout education
The redesign of Airport Road will involve the construction of two roundabouts, one of which will act as a gateway to the community.
Roundabouts improve traffic flow, slow down vehicles, reduce the chances of serious collisions and improve pedestrian and cyclist safety. They'll also be built to accommodate larger vehicles or farm equipment.
Stay connected
- As detailed design advances, the details of the Project, including any property needs, will become clearer. The Region will reach out directly to impacted property owners and act with transparency and fairness, providing information as soon as it is available.
- The Region of Peel will keep you informed of any substantial changes in the project scope or schedule. Contact the project manager to have your name added to the project contact list.
- For updates, follow Peel Public Works on X, @PeelPublicWorks.
- Please call the project manager if you have any special needs.
Who can you contact?
Bassem Ghoneim
Project Manager
905-791-7800 ext. 5923