Notice of Public Information Centre 2 - October 4, 2023
The study
Peel Region has initiated a Schedule ‘C’ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for the reservoir expansion at the Arthur P. Kennedy Water Treatment Plant (WTP) (see figure). The approximate limits of the study area include the area around the Arthur P. Kennedy WTP from Lakeshore Road East south to Lake Ontario, and from just east of Montbeck Crescent to East Avenue extending to the eastern limits of the Douglas Kennedy Park.
Peel’s Water and Wastewater Master Plan (2020) and updated 2051 population forecast identified that the treated water storage is insufficient at this WTP. The purpose of this project is to identify a preferred solution and design concept that provides a cost-effective and environmentally sound means of providing additional treated water storage to ensure long-term reliable water treatment and supply of this lake-based system.
The process
The Class EA study will be conducted in accordance with the approved requirements for a Schedule ‘C’ project as described in the Municipal Engineers Association’s Municipal Class EA document (October 2000, as amended). A key component of the study is consultation with interested stakeholders (Indigenous communities, public, landowners and agencies). Two Public Information Centres (PICs) will be held throughout the Study to provide an update, as well as an opportunity to provide comments. The first PIC held on October 18th, 2023, provided a summary of the background information, the need and justification, and an overview of the alternative solutions being considered.
Public Information Centre
The second PIC was held on April 17, 2024. The purpose of the PIC was to update the public on the project’s status and advise stakeholders of the preliminary preferred solution. The PIC also provided an opportunity for those who are interested to provide their feedback on the project.
The material is available from April 18, 2024. Comments will be received until May 1, 2024.
If you would like to provide comments or have questions, or if you would like to be added to the Project Contact List, please contact the Project Manager listed below.
Janice Hatton
Project Manager, Engineering - Water Treatment and Facilities
Engineering Services Division
Public Works
Region of Peel
Tel.: (416) 859-4768