Transition Board appointed by Ontario Government

The Transition Board will oversee the dissolution of Peel Region.

Brampton, ON - (July 5, 2023) – Today, the Ontario Government appointed a Transition Board to determine the roadmap for the dissolution of Peel on January 1, 2025.

The Transition Board, which has five members, will provide recommendations to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing about the changes to the municipalities. Peel understands these recommendations will not be made public.

Staff and Council will work collaboratively with the Transition Board to provide support and facilitate the process professionally, providing an orientation with facts and data to inform their thoughtful review of Peel, ensuring Peel’s achievements and near 50-year history of service are understood as well as current programs and services.

Peel’s top priority continues to be the well-being of our talented staff and service continuity to our community, many of whom are vulnerable. On June 8, 2023, Peel Regional Council approved 12 principles to guide continued operations.

A dedicated webpage has been created with information on Peel’s Transition.


On May 18, the Ontario Government introduced Bill 112 which received Royal Assent on June 8. This Act will dissolve the Regional Municipality of Peel effective January 1, 2025, and make Brampton, Caledon, and Mississauga single tier municipalities.


We welcome the appointment of the Transition Board to remove many of the uncertainties for our staff and community. As head of Peel Council and CEO, I want to share my commitment to working with the Board, and ensuring all resources are available to them during this process.

Nando Iannicca, Chair and CEO, Peel Region

We will work collaboratively with the Transition Board to share the facts and data about Peel’s services, while continuing to support our staff and community through this difficult time. We appreciate and share our gratitude with staff as they continue to provide high-level customer service and business continuity during this challenging time

Gary Kent, Chief Administrative Officer, Peel Region

Media contacts

Tatiana Marmora 
Communications Manager 
Region of Peel

Bethany Lee 
Communications Director 
Region of Peel

About Peel Region

Peel Region works with residents and partners to create a healthy, safe, and connected Community for Life for approximately 1.5 million people and over 200,000 businesses in Brampton, Mississauga, and Caledon. Peel’s services touch the lives of residents every day. For more information explore and follow us on X @regionofpeel and Instagram