Resources, training, and provider sessions
Additional resources for housing providers.
Other information
- Housing Services update – Housing Provider Forum
- Region of Peel smoke-free policy in multi-unit housing presentation
- Housing Provider Agenda March 2017
- Regeneration Presentation and responding to RFPs
- Regeneration – planning 101
- Service Manager updates - part 1
- Service Manager updates - part 2
- End of operating agreements and mortgages
2015 and previous years
- CMHA Peel - quick guide
- CMHA Toronto - quick guide
- Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada
- Housing Services Act, 2011
- Housing Services Corporation
- Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
- Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing - Social Housing Business
- ONPHA Form - Request for Ontario Works ODSP information
- Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association
- Peel Halton CHF