Peel Region homepage
Peel Region

Access to information

You have the right to request information from the Peel Region.

Like all municipalities in Ontario, we collect and use to provide services to residents and businesses.

We follow provincial laws that guide us in how we collect, store, protect, and release information.

Refer to the Personal Health Information Protection Act for information about our health privacy practices.

How to access information

How to access information depends on who you are and the type of information you're seeking.

For law enforcement

Members of law enforcement must complete the Law Enforcement Request for Personal Information Form (PDF) to request information held by Peel Region.

For members of the public

You can search and navigate Peel Region's website to find general information about Peel Region programs, services, and news.

Open Data

The Peel Data Centre (PDC) is a network of Peel Region resources with a wide range of data on topics such as demographics, economic activity, and transportation.

Routine disclosure

Many Regional program areas can provide records through an informal process.

Get details on records available through routine disclosure such as ambulance call reports, immunization records, and Regional councillor expense reports.

Freedom of Information (FOI)

You can submit a Freedom of Information request for any records that are not available through routine disclosure.

For help or more information, email the Access to Information and Privacy Office.