Waste Management Strategic Advisory Committee terms of reference

Terms of reference


The mandate of the Waste Management Strategic Advisory Committee (WMSAC) is to provide strategic guidance on the implementation of current and future waste management strategies.


The WMSAC is comprised of the Regional Chair (ex-officio) and at least one member from each local municipality.

Roles and responsibilities of members

To prepare for meetings by reading agendas, engage in discussion and vote on recommendations. Members who cannot attend a meeting must inform the alternate of the time and location of the meeting and should inform the Office of the Regional Clerk.

Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair

The Advisory Committee will elect from among its members a Chair and Vice-Chair, and this election shall be held at the first meeting of the Advisory Committee.

The Advisory Committee shall appoint a Vice-Chair who may act in the capacity of chair and exercise all the rights, powers and authorities of the Chair when the Chair is absent through illness or otherwise, or is absent from the office in course of his or her duties, or on vacation or on an approved leave.


Quorum will consist of the majority of the total number of members on the Committee.

Reporting Structure

The Committee will report to the Regional Council through the Public Works section. The minutes of each Committee meeting will be placed on the next available Regional Council Agenda for approval.

Term of Appointment

Members of the Committee shall be appointed for a term ending upon the dissolution of the Committee or at the end of the term of Council, whichever comes first, or until their successors are appointed.

Frequency of Meetings

The WMSAC will meet five-to-six times per year. Meetings may also be held at the call of the WMSAC Chair.

Staff Resources

The Committee will be supported by staff from the office of the Regional Clerk and the Public Waste Management Division.