Projects 18-1380 and 11-2380 - August 31, 2023 update
Street affected: Main Street South, Brampton
Stage 4
The Region of Peel has been working in your neighborhood to replace the aging watermain and sanitary sewer along Queen Street and Main Street South. This work is required to maintain and improve existing water and wastewater services.
Starting the week of September 11, 2023, Peel Region will be replacing the watermain and sanitary sewer under Main Street North. Lane reductions will be required to complete this work.
Traffic impacts
- Northbound Main Street North will be closed to all through traffic from Queen Street to Nelson Street West / Theatre Lane. A detour route will be clearly marked with road signs. Please see the map below for the detour route. Pedestrian access to businesses will be maintained. No through traffic will be allowed and there will be no on-street parking.
- Southbound Main Street North will remain open but will be reduced to one lane from just south of Nelson Street West / Theatre Lane to Queen Street.
- These traffic impacts are anticipated to start as early as the week of September 11, 2023, and will last for approximately three months, depending on weather and soil conditions. Please expect delays and choose alternate routes if possible.
- It will be necessary to dig a temporary trench on Main Street North from Queen Street to Nelson Street West / Theatre Lane.
- Diplock Lane and Garden Square can be utilized for deliveries for businesses. Parking garages are available for parking and deliveries. Loading zones / short term parking will be available on Queen Street East and Queen Street West for businesses.
- Detour routes may be adjusted for upcoming special events in Downtown Brampton.
We apologize for any delays or inconvenience resulting from these traffic impacts.
Detour map

Keeping you informed
Weather and other unpredictable events may change the date of these traffic impacts. Receive timely project updates right to your inbox by signing up for e-notices.
Follow Peel Public Works on Twitter for project updates. Information on this construction project can also be found on the project webpage.
Safety during construction
Construction zones require extra caution to keep everyone safe - pedestrians, cyclists, drivers, and construction workers. When driving, walking, or biking through the construction area, please be aware of your surroundings, watch for construction crews and other road users, slow down, account for delays, and consider other routes if possible. Learn more about how to stay safe in construction zones.
Thank you for your patience as we complete this necessary work. This work will allow us to continue providing you with high quality tap water and wastewater services. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Water Linear Engineering
Engineering Services Division
Public Works, Region of Peel
Phone: 905-791-7800 ext. 4409