Project 21-2411 – Feb. 19, 2025 update
Streets affected: Burnhamthorpe Road West from Erin Mills Parkway to Sawmill Valley Drive, Sawmill Valley Trail
Peel Region will be working in your neighbourhood to rehabilitate the existing sanitary sewer system and maintenance holes (commonly called manholes). Sanitary sewers are underground pipes that carry wastewater from your home to a water resource recovery facility. Wastewater is created when water is flushed down the toilet, or goes down the drain in your sink, tub, or shower.
This construction work will take place on Burnhamthorpe Road West between Erin Mills Parkway and Sawmill Valley Drive including Sawmill Valley Trail as shown on the attached map.
To extend the service life of the sewer under these streets and trails, Peel Region’s contractors will clean the existing sewer pipe and place a new resin (plastic) lining within it. This work will be primarily completed underground with specialized equipment, and will not require digging trenches in your community. As part of this project, we will also repair aging maintenance holes. This work will ensure the sanitary sewer system can continue to be accessed and maintained from the manholes.
Construction schedule
Construction is planned to begin on March 10, 2025, and be completed by June 2025 and will involve the following:
- Sanitary flow bypassing to transfer sewage away from the work.
- We will rehabilitate the sanitary sewer in sections and may spend a few days in each location to complete the work.
- It typically takes a few hours to three days to repair each single maintenance hole, depending on the work required.
- All work is under warranty for two years from the completion date.
Contractor and working hours
The work will be completed by Insituform Technologies Ltd and supported by consultant Robinson Consultants Inc., both under contract to Peel Region. This contractor’s normal working hours are from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday to Friday. These hours are consistent with the local municipality’s bylaws. We understand this may cause some inconvenience, but shorter working days would require this work to affect your neighbourhood over a longer period of time.
Overnight work
We will need to complete some work overnight to reduce the impact on traffic congestion. We will notify affected residents and businesses before overnight work begins. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused by this work.
We may need to temporarily close a single lane along Burnhamthorpe Road West and Sawmill Valley Drive during some of our rehabilitation works. During this time, traffic will be directed by police officers or flag persons. If we must reroute traffic, we will place signs giving directions. We apologize for any delays or inconvenience resulting from these traffic impacts.
We may need to temporarily take two bus stops (#3432 and #0971) out of service along Burnhamthorpe Road West. The transit stops directly ahead and behind will remain accessible.
Temporary trail and park closures
Pine Tree Hill Park at the northeast corner of Burnhamthorpe Road West and Erin Mills Parkway will be temporarily closed during construction activities.
The Burnhamthorpe Multi-use Trail and sidewalk from South Millway to Sawmill Valley Drive will be closed for the duration of the construction activities. Between Erin Mills Parkway and South Millway, the sidewalk and trail will be partially closed. Cyclists and pedestrians are asked to use the south side of Burnhamthorpe while construction activities are progressing.
The sanitary sewer that will be rehabilitated runs within Sawmill Valley Trail. We will have to temporarily close this trail from Burnhamthorpe Road West to Swallowdale Court to complete construction work.
We anticipate these closures to extend over 3 months. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and patience.
Tree protection and trimming
Trees located in the municipal right-of-way will be protected during construction using temporary fencing. If tree branches within the municipal right-of-way interfere with construction, the trees will be pruned beforehand.
If tree branches on private property interfere with construction, they will be pruned back to the nearest suitable trunk or branch. The contractor will contact you before any pruning of private trees occurs. If you do not allow personnel onto your property to trim the tree, the branches will be cut vertically at the property line.
You may smell some odours while the synthetic resin inside the sewer cures. These odours are temporary and will dissipate within a few hours. You can prevent or minimize these odours by making sure you have water in all of your drains, including your basement floor drain. We recommend pouring a bucket of water down the floor drain and running the water in all sinks, showers, and tubs for a minute, either the evening before or day of the relining work. If you are not able to put water down your floor drain (for example, if it is currently covered by flooring), we strongly recommend making it accessible before relining work begins to reduce the level of odours in your home.
Repairing areas impacted by construction
We will start repairing any affected areas of the road, curb, sidewalk and lawns once we have finished our work on the sewer and maintenance holes.
You could feel slight vibrations from the construction work.
Safety during construction
Construction zones require extra caution to keep everyone safe – pedestrians, cyclists, drivers, and construction workers. When driving, walking, or biking through the construction area, please be aware of your surroundings, watch for construction crews and other road users, slow down, account for delays, and consider other routes if possible. To learn more about how to stay safe in construction zones.
Keeping you informed
We will let you know if there are any major changes to the plans.
Information on this project can also be found on the project page.
We value your feedback
After we have finished, we will invite you to provide feedback on the construction project.
You can sign up to receive this survey electronically.
Thank you for your patience as we complete this necessary work. This work will allow us to continue providing you with high quality wastewater services. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation
Engineering Services Division
Public Works, Peel Region
Phone: 905-791-7800 ext. 4409