Project 19-2215/19-1120 - March 12, 2024 update
Peel Region has retained Stantec Consulting Ltd. (Stantec) to undertake the Detailed Design for the extension of the Lakeshore Road sanitary trunk sewer and Zone 1 watermain from Jack Darling Memorial Park to Elmwood Avenue (see map below).
A key component of the Detailed Design is consultation with interested stakeholders through a Public Information Centre (PIC). The PIC will present the design of the project, construction timeline, construction staging and detours, potential impacts, and potential mitigation measures. You are invited to an in-person PIC to learn more about the project.

Date and Time: Thursday, March 21, 2024 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Location: Clarke Memorial Hall - Main Hall, 161 Lakeshore Rd. W., Mississauga, ON, L5H 1G3
If you have any questions or would like to be added to the project mailing list, please contact Peel Region at:
Wastewater Collection and Conveyance
Engineering Services Division
Public Works, Region of Peel
Phone: 905-791-7800 ext. 4409
The Region of Peel is committed to ensure that all Regional services, programs, and facilities are inclusive and accessible for persons with disabilities. Please contact a Project Manager if you need any disability accommodations to provide comments or feedback for this study.
This notice was first issued on March 12, 2024.