Project 13-1347 H1
Streets affected: Indian Grove, Indian Road and South Sheridan Way.
We have finished the work. This project is under warranty until June 2025.
The Region of Peel is replacing aging watermain on Indian Grove as part of our maintenance program. The current watermain was installed in the 1950s and is at the end of its lifespan.
A larger watermain that provides water to the Lorne Park area will also be installed along with the smaller (local) watermain on Indian Grove. The local watermain is on one side of the street with the larger watermain to follow on the opposite side of the street.
We are on schedule to complete most of the work (including most digging) by the end of 2021. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we will need to do some digging in the spring. Two final connection pieces will need to be installed in spring 2022. This will only be for a couple of weeks and residents will be advised in advance. Final restoration work (i.e. paving, curb and sidewalk, driveways, sod and landscaping) will also be completed in spring 2022.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Project Ambassador Avalon Myers at 416-457-3889 or by email.
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Full project details
Working hours
Our Contractor’s normal working hours are from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. These hours are consistent with the local municipality’s bylaws. We understand this may cause some inconvenience, but a shorter working day would mean the project would take longer to complete.
Sections of the construction along South Sheridan Way and Indian Road will occur between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. (off peak hours) to minimize traffic impacts when work is reduced to one lane of traffic.
Traffic control
South Sheridan Way will have lane closures with flag persons as well as a temporary road closure. Detour signage will be posted.
Indian Road will have lane closures with flag persons.
Indian Grove will be open to local traffic only.
Driveway access
Due to construction activities, we may need to block your driveway for a short time. We will contact you before we do this to arrange for the best time and for alternate access, if needed. If your driveway is blocked, you may choose to park on the street for a short time. If you need immediate access to your driveway, the Contractor will have road plates available to quickly allow access in and out of your driveway.
Please call the Project Manager if you have special needs related to access or business hours.
Sidewalk and walkways
A temporary sidewalk will be constructed along the east side of Indian Grove while the existing sidewalk is removed for watermain construction. The existing sidewalk will be restored and temporary sidewalk removed once watermain construction and water service transfers are complete.
Watermain construction crossing the walkways connecting Indian Grove to Wateska Boulevard and Tecumseh Public School will be completed outside of school hours in the evening or on a weekend.
Irrigation or sprinkler systems
Please tell the Inspector or Contractor if you have underground irrigation or a sprinkler system outside your property line.
You may wish to move the sprinkler lines to inside your private property to avoid damage.
Private servicing
Please tell the Inspector or Contractor if you have underground hydro or communication servicing to your property, or other underground infrastructure that you feel the Contractor should know about.
Trimming trees
If tree branches within the right-of-way interfere with construction, the Contractor will have the trees pruned before equipment enters the drip line of the tree.
If tree branches on private property interfere with construction, they will be pruned back to the nearest suitable trunk, crotch or branch.
The Contractor will ask you for permission before cutting any branches on private property. If you do not allow the Contractor onto your property to trim the branches, the branches will be cut vertically at the property line.
Interrupting your water supply
It is our goal to let you know 48 hours (2 days) in advance if we need to shut off your water. Occasionally, we may have to reduce this notice to 24 hours.
If we have to shut off your water because of an emergency, we will do everything we can to fix the problem as quickly as possible.
Waste collection
Your garbage, recycling and organics containers will continue to be picked up on your regularly scheduled day. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to move your garbage, recycling and organics bins to a location where our collection vehicles can pick them up. Empty containers will be returned to their corresponding addresses. Please make sure your house number is clearly marked on each bin.
You may feel slight vibrations from the construction work.
Replacing and taking care of your sod
We will replace any damaged sod as soon as we can.
Our contractor will take care of the new sod for the first 30 days after it’s laid down. After that, you can help the sod stay healthy by watering it early in the morning two or three (2-3) times a week, especially in hot weather.
It is very common for the work area to settle a bit after construction. If you notice any settlement, please let the project manager or inspector know and we will ensure the contractor fixes it.
Repairing your driveway
Driveways will be disturbed by watermain construction and replacement of the existing service valve. We will repair the driveway in the disturbed area. If you have a stamped concrete driveway, we recommend contacting the original driveway contractor to restore the driveway at the end of construction, to be reimbursed by the Region. Unfortunately, the Region cannot completely replace your driveway.
If you have any concerns, please call the Project Manager.
We will repair your driveway as soon as we can, but there may be a short delay.
Repairing the road, curbs and sidewalks
We will start restoring the road, sidewalk and boulevard once all replacements and service transfers are complete and as weather permits.
Private-side servicing
We will replace the water service pipe to your service box (the round valve near the property line).
As the pipe between the service box and the building is probably the same age and condition as the watermain, you may wish to replace it to ensure a constant supply of high-quality drinking water to your tap. This is the property owner’s responsibility; the Region cannot do this work for you.
For more information visit replacing the private-side water service.
Project updates
The Region of Peel will always let you know if there are any major changes to the plans.
We will try to disturb you as little as possible.