Lower west sanitary trunk sewer twinning
Peel Region’s wastewater system consists of two separate gravity trunk sewer systems – the East Trunk System and the West Trunk System. These systems end at the G. E. Booth Water Resource Recovery Facility and Clarkson Water Resource Recovery Facility, respectively located on Lake Ontario. With Peel Region’s forecasted growth to 2041 and beyond as identified through the growth management process and the 2020 Water and Wastewater Master Plan Update, there is a need for Peel to plan to improve the overall sanitary sewer system capacity.
The study’s focus is to increase the wastewater delivery capacity in the West Trunk System to service key development growth areas. The existing Peel Lower West Sanitary Trunk Sewer (East Leg) is an integral part of the West Trunk System and connects to the Clarkson Water Resource Recovery Facility.
Class EA Study Process
A Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) study is being initiated to provide additional sanitary delivery capacity by identifying a new alignment for a large diameter sanitary trunk sewer known as the Lower West Sanitary Trunk Sewer twinning. This twinning will allow wastewater flow to be shifted to the new Lower West Sanitary Trunk Sewer and will connect from north of Sheridan Park Drive to the Clarkson Water Resource Recovery Facility to meet the long-term needs of the service area.
The Class EA study is being conducted according to the requirements of a Schedule ‘C’ project of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment document (as amended in 2023). The purpose of the study is to evaluate various alignments for the new sanitary trunk sewer and identify the preferred solution and design concept to increase the sanitary capacity and the associated infrastructure improvements.
The study findings will be shared with the public and key stakeholders and feedback will be collected and considered throughout the project.
Once complete, we will post the Environmental Study Report for public review.
Your input is important – we want to hear from you
A key element of the Class EA planning process is consultation with the community. Early and active discussions will be critical to identifying ways to reduce the impacts of this project to residents, businesses, traffic, and pedestrians. Two (2) Public Information Centres (PICs) will be held for this study to present the findings of the Class EA, including the preferred solution and design concept for the new sanitary trunk sewer and provide an opportunity for input. Advance notice will be provided prior to each PIC.
Please contact either of the project team members below if you have questions or comments, wish to obtain more information on the project, or would like to be included on the Project Contact List.
Kamal Adhikary
Project Manager
Region of Peel
Samantha Zandvliet, MPl
Environmental Planner
AECOM Canada Ltd.
If you require any accommodations for a disability to attend and participate in meetings or events, please let us know in advance so that arrangements can be made in a timely manner. Please contact Peel’s Accessibility Advisory Coordinator.
With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record of the study. The study is being conducted according to the requirements of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, which is a planning process approved under Ontario’s Environmental Assessment Act.