Finch Stormwater Pumping Station upgrades
Notice of study completion - November 6, 2023
The study
The Peel Region has completed a Schedule ‘B’ Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for Finch Stormwater Pumping Station Upgrades. The limits of the study are shown on the map in Figure 1.
The Finch Stormwater Pumping Station (SWPS) was constructed in 1984 and was designed to lift stormwater from a low-lying area under a railway underpass to a nearby storm sewer to protect the area from flooding. The station is aging and requires upgrades to meet current standards and to ensure continued reliable operation of the facility. This Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study evaluated alternative locations for the upgraded facility, with consideration for social, environmental, regulatory, technical feasibility and costs.
Preferred solution
A preferred solution was identified following a series of technical, environmental, and cultural studies and a systematic evaluation of alternatives. The preferred solution is to:
- Demolish the existing control building
- Construct a new stormwater pumping station facility, including new control building, wet well, and valve chamber on Region property on the west side of Finch Avenue to the north of the CN rail bridge
- Construct an access road to the new facility from Finch Avenue West, within existing Region property
How to get involved
A Project File Report (PFR) has been prepared and documents the planning and decision-making process, as well as consultation and engagement. The PFR has now been filed with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) and is available for public review for 30-days.
We invite you to review the PFR and provide written comments by email between November 6 and January 15, 2024, to the Region’s Project Manager, Paul Rastrullo at
A request to the Minister of MECP for a Section 16 Order imposing additional conditions or requiring an individual environmental assessment may be made on the grounds that the requested order may prevent, mitigate, or remedy adverse impacts on constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights. Requests should include your full name and contact information.
Requests should specify what kind of order is being requested (additional conditions or a comprehensive assessment), explain how an order may prevent, mitigate, or remedy potential adverse impacts to constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights, and include any supporting information.
The request should be sent in writing by email, mail, fax or hand delivered to:
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
777 Bay Street, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 2J3
Director, Environmental Assessment Branch
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
135 St. Clair Avenue West, 1st Floor
Toronto ON M4V 1P5
A copy of the request should also be sent to the Region of Peel’s Project Manager. All requests must be received within the 30-day review period.
Peel Region is committed to ensure that all Regional services, programs and facilities are inclusive and accessible for persons with disabilities. Please contact the Project Manager if you need any disability accommodations to provide comments or feedback for this study.
As part of the Class EA study, a virtual public information centre (PIC) was held on May 18, 2023, to allow interested members of the public to learn more about the study background, the list of station upgrade alternatives, the evaluation process, and the preliminary evaluation results.
PIC documents
- Video presentation (approximately 14 min)
- Presentation slides
To submit questions or comments, contact the project manager by email at and include the following information along with your question or comment about the project:
- Name
- Phone number
- Mailing address
Note: All contact information submitted is confidential. Providing contact information is optional; however, it is required if you would like us to respond to your comments/questions or notify you of future study updates.
February 3, 2023

The Region of Peel has initiated a Schedule B Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Finch Stormwater Pumping Station (SWPS). The Finch SWPS was constructed in 1984 and was designed to lift stormwater from a low-lying area under a railway underpass to a nearby storm sewer to protect the area from flooding. The station is aging and requires upgrades to meet current standards and to ensure continued reliable operation of the facility. This study will evaluate alternative locations for the upgraded facility, with consideration for social, environmental, regulatory, technical feasibility and costs.
This Class EA study will be completed as a Schedule B undertaking in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process. The Class EA process includes public and review agency consultation, evaluation of alternatives, an impact assessment of the recommended alternative, and identification of measures to mitigate potential adverse effects.
Virtual public information centre
As part of the Class EA study, a virtual public information centre (PIC) will be held to allow interested members of the public to learn more about the study background, the list of station upgrade alternatives, the evaluation process and the preliminary evaluation results. The public will have the opportunity to provide comments on the study and the preferred alternative by contacting the Region’s Project Manager.
To be added to the mailing list, to receive further information or to provide comments on the Class EA study, please contact:
Paul Rastrullo, Project Manager
905-791-7800, ext.7698
The Region of Peel is committed to ensure that all Regional services, programs and facilities are inclusive and accessible for persons with disabilities. Please contact the Project Manager if you need any disability accommodations to provide comments or feedback for this study.