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Peel Region

Water projects – disinfection work requirements checklist

We partner with companies to provide safe, clean, and reliable drinking water.

Companies interested in working with us to disinfect Peel’s water linear infrastructure must meet the following criteria.

Contractor checklist

✔ OIC – minimum Class I Ministry Certified Water Operator
Disinfection work must be overseen by a minimum Class I Ministry Certified Water Operator. Records of Water Operator Certification for all persons performing disinfection work must be available for review.
✔ OIT – Ministry Certified Operator must work under direct supervision of OIC
✔ Working knowledge of applicable AWWA, Ontario Legislation (under Safe Drinking Water Act) and Standards
✔ Awareness of Municipal Drinking Water Licensing Program and Peel standards
✔ Disinfection Plans and Procedures meet AWWA, federal and provincial standards and legislation, and Peel standards
Examples of disinfection plans prepared for prior projects will be required for review and reference.
✔ Record keeping – maintenance of accurate field data during work activities
Examples of completed disinfection records will be required for review and reference.
✔ Working knowledge of the Region of Peel backflow prevention (BFP) program and use of BFP equipment (Bylaw 10-2017)
Information on type or make of BFP equipment used in disinfection work will be required for review.
BFP Test Reports must include information required by the BFP By-law and the completed Reports submitted to the Region of Peel. It may be required to use the Region’s BFP Test Report form.
✔ Use of NSF certified disinfectant and chemicals
Records of certification to NSF standards for chemicals used in disinfection work will be required for review.
✔ Use of flow measuring equipment
Information on the type and make of flow meters used in disinfection work will be required for review.
✔ Use of digitized chlorine (high and low range) and turbidity testing equipment
Information on type and make of digitized handheld equipment (high and low range) will be required for review.
✔ Testing equipment calibrated as required
Records of verification and calibration of testing equipment may be required for review.
✔ Best management practices in place to ensure work integrity and workers’ health and safety
✔ References for past disinfection work available for submission
✔ Use of the Region of Peel’s Water Assets Disinfection form

Disinfection Plan and Procedure must contain:

✔ Site location or project number (if available)
✔ Date of planned work
✔ Watermain or facility information (size, volume, diameter, material type, etc.)
✔ Practices to prevent contamination and ensure efficacy of disinfection
✔ Expected water flow rate and/or volume
✔ Location of feed (source) water
✔ Disinfection method and disinfectant type
✔ Backflow preventer (certified on site by a Qualified Person using Peel's BFP Test Report form) and flow meter use for watermain disinfections
✔ Location(s) of potable and non-potable water discharge points
✔ De-chlorinating agent
✔ Disinfection site map or drawing
✔ Disinfection process – filling, cleaning, disinfectant application, flushing
✔ Locations of sampling points
✔ Monitoring and maintenance of residual chlorine
✔ Record keeping – record of chlorination and de-chlorination

Please note:

Contact us for next steps

Email us if your company meets these requirements and wants to discuss next steps. Use “Expression of Interest - Water Projects Disinfection Work” as the email subject line.