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Peel Region

Supporting community agencies

The Community Response Table helps agencies respond to the needs of Peel's most vulnerable residents.

Since March 2020, Peel Region and community partners have met as the Regional Community Response Table to collaborate, identify and respond to emerging needs.

This group of diverse partners tracks and monitors the needs of the community and coordinates responses on critical and current issues.

Table members are currently implementing their future vision.


  • To support coordination, information sharing, problem solving, and collaboration among Peel Region's not-for-profit and community sector during the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery.
  • To provide a forum for organizations and individuals from across various sectors to identify and respond to emerging and critical issues to better serve the most vulnerable in Peel.

For more information or to get involved, email us.


You can request copies of the listed documents by emailing us.

  • Summary of the recovery planning survey (July 2020)
  • Summary of the emergency response survey findings (April 2020)
  • Key findings from the Community Response Table evaluation (December 2020)