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New B3 Funding Framework

Peel Region’s first funding framework that invests in Black-led, Black-focused, and Black-serving (B3) community agencies to increase their ability to deliver services to Peel’s Black communities.

The Black-led, Black-focused, and Black-serving Funding Framework is one of many steps that the Community Investment Program has taken to improve diversity, equity and inclusion in its granting program. Here's what we've done so far:

View the Council report for more detailed information on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Journey for Community Investment Funding.

Our plan

A comprehensive and thoughtful approach has been developed to keep our stakeholders at the forefront of what should be considered in the creation of this B3 funding framework.

Steps that will be achieved throughout the lifecycle of this journey:

B3 Advisory Board

An Advisory Board was created to provide a Peel-specific community voice and perspective as they co-develop and participate in the engagement plan and development of the B3 Funding Framework.

The Board was made up of community-based social service agencies and regional staff who have worked together to:

Members represented a diversity of sectors, perspectives and populations served including, broad social services, refugee and immigrant services, youth services, youth welfare, housing and homelessness, senior services, food services, health services and 2SLGBTQIA+ focused services.

B3 Funding Framework development

The B3 Advisory Board sessions have concluded, and the Board’s recommendations have been used to inform the development of the B3 Funding Framework. This framework will enable Peel Region’s Community Investment Program to support effective and measurable changes within B3 organizations, networks and grassroots groups.

Upcoming engagements

Engagement sessions will be held with B3 not-for-profit organizations on June 25 and July 3 to review the B3 Funding Framework and next steps in its implementation.

If you’re interested to attend, register for one of the sessions:

B3 Funding implementation

The launch of the B3 Fund will:

Launch Date: Summer 2024.


In June 2020, Peel Region's Council approved Resolution 2020-448 which affirms its commitment to "address systemic discrimination by supporting policies, equitable funding, and programs that address the inequities faced by the Black community and other marginalized groups in Peel."

Stemming from this resolution, Peel Region's Community Investment Program, with the endorsement of the Diversity, Equity and Anti-Racism Committee and Regional Council in 2023, is now undertaking the development of a B3 Funding Framework that will seek to address the Council's recommendation to "ensure Black-led and Black-serving social service agencies in Peel are funded equitably through regional funding mechanisms."

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to be added to the Stakeholder list to receive updates email Community Investment Program.