Procurement vision and mission
Providing fair, efficient services and processes.
Our Vision is to provide fair and equitable procurement services through best value, strategic thinking and efficient processes.
Our Mission is to maintain trust and confidence in the stewardship of public funds through objective, fair, transparent and efficient procurement processes.
Guiding principles
We adhere to the following principles to govern the purchasing process of goods and services:
- Maintain trust and confidence in the stewardship of public funds through objective, fair, transparent, and efficient procurement processes.
- Promote effective use of funds allocated by Regional Council through procurement methods, disposals, and decisions that achieve best value for money.
- Promote procurement processes and decisions that are in compliance with applicable legislation and aligned with trade agreements that are:
- Binding upon Peel.
- Consistent with the strategic objectives established for Peel.
- Promote procurement practices that have regard for the accessibility of persons with disabilities; and
- Integrate sustainability considerations into the procurement decision-making process that achieve the desired outcomes of Peel.
For more information, refer to Procurement By-law 45-2023.