Procurement process
Open bids
All of Peel Region's open bids are posted on the bids&tenders™ website.
Bidders can:
- Create a free account to receive email notifications of any bid opportunities matching their organization's commodity type.
- Preview bid documents.
- Register as a plan taker.
- Acknowledge addenda.
- Submit, edit, or withdraw bid submissions.
Get more details about bids and tenders.
"No gift" policy
Peel Region employees aren't permitted to seek or accept any gifts, entertainment, payments, fees, services, valuable privileges, or other favours from any vendors, individuals or businesses that have any dealings with Peel Region.
This includes lunches, dinners and parties during holiday periods or otherwise.
We ask that you refrain from making any such offerings to Peel Region employees as the gifts will be declined and returned where possible.
If for any reason we're unable to return a gift received during the holiday period, we'll donate it to the Holiday Gift Initiative organized by Peel Region's Human Services department.
These gifts will be distributed by Peel Region's Ontario Works division to families in need living in Peel.
Contact us
10 Peel Centre Dr., Suite B, 5th Floor, Brampton, ON L6T 4B9
Phone: 905-791-7800 ext.4303
When you're visiting us, smoking and vaping are not permitted on the grounds of Peel Region offices, including parking lots. We thank you for your cooperation.
Statement of Ethics
Peel Region is committed to open, fair, and transparent procurement practices to achieve best value for money in the stewardship of public funds.
The Procurement team is a group of professionals providing the service of acquiring goods or services (or both) as required by our clients (regional departments) in a cooperative and timely manner within the Procurement by-law and procedures set out by The Regional Municipality of Peel.
- SCMA Code of Ethics – Members in the Supply Chain Management Association and its affiliated institutes and corporation shall abide by the constitution and the rules and by-laws of the institute or corporation.
- NIGP Code of Ethics – These ethical principles govern the conduct of every person employed by a public sector procurement or materials management organization.
- OPBA Statement of Ethics for Public Purchasers – The staff associated with the purchasing process subscribe to and practise their profession according to these five tenets.

NIGP accreditation establishes Peel Region Procurement as a recognized industry leader.