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Regulating retail business holiday shopping in Peel

With some exceptions, most businesses in Peel must close on certain holidays.

The Region of Peel Retail Business Closings By-law 34-2018:

Council enacted the Peel Retail Business Closings By-law on June 14, 2018.

For additional information about this by-law, email Peel Region Planning.

Affected holidays

The by-law specifies that most Peel businesses must be closed on:


General exemption criteria

In Peel Region, these types of businesses can stay open on holidays:

For the full list of exempt businesses, refer to Section 4 of By-law 34-2018.

Retail businesses in identified tourism areas

A retail business that does not meet the general exemption criteria can stay open on holidays only if it's located in a tourism area and identified within a local tourism strategy.

Local tourism strategies may also include additional criteria that need to be met for a business to stay open on holidays.

Grandfathered exemptions

Businesses that were granted exemptions to open on holidays under the Provincial Retail Business Holidays Act have been grandfathered until further notice.

Council has asked Regional employees to report options to phase out the grandfathering stipulations.

Enforcement and fines

Any non-eligible business that stays open on a statutory holiday in violation of the by-law may be fined.

The minimum fine is $500 for each offence.

Fines can be issued to any owner, operator, or employee who:

The maximum fine is $5,000 per person in accordance with Schedule A, Section 6, and Schedule B, Set Fines of By-law 34-2018.

Related information

By-law and Regional Council direction

Provincial legislation


For a copy of a report, email us.