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Peel Region

Waste Management Plan

For Official Plan amendment and re-zoning applications


The Region of Peel collects, processes, and disposes of residential waste within the Cities of Mississauga, Brampton and the Town of Caledon. The Region of Peel also provides waste collection services to small businesses in Business Improvement Areas (BIAs), Regional and Municipal facilities, and eligible institutions, including schools, retirement homes, and places of worship.

Development applications involving regional waste collection

The Region of Peel is committed to achieving 75% waste diversion by 2034 and delivering waste management services that meets the needs of its residents. To achieve these goals, its Waste Management division provides comments on all development applications that will receive regional waste collection, including rezoning and Official Plan Amendment (OPA) applications, ensuring programs are accessible to residents.

All residential developments and eligible institutions and small businesses must comply with the requirements set out in the Region of Peel’s Waste Collection Design Standards Manual (WCDSM) to ensure that safe and efficient waste collection services can be provided. Building setbacks and general site design is endorsed through the rezoning or OPA applications and as a result, future design changes to meet WCDSM requirements are more challenging at the site plan stage.

To mitigate these challenges, a Waste Management Plan is required for all residential, small businesses in BIAs, and eligible institution OPA and rezoning applications to demonstrate that the design of the proposed development will allow for safe and efficient waste collection.

Submission of a Waste Management Plan ensures collection services are considered early in the design and development application process and will streamline the process by ensuring key requirements are met as part of the initial application.

Private waste collection services are not permitted for any residential developments unless approved by Regional Council.

Waste Management Plan requirements

Applicants have three main responsibilities in design for waste management services:

The Waste Management Plan shall show the functional design of waste management services and at a minimum must include:

The Waste Management Plan should demonstrate a clear overview of how the design will provide for waste collection services. Further design details to satisfy requirements set out in the WCDSM will be required at the site plan stage.

When is it required?

All residential and eligible institutional and small business rezoning and OPA applications that will receive Region of Peel waste collection services must provide a Waste Management Plan. This requirement will be identified to the applicant by Development Services of the Public Works department at pre-application meetings.

For further information please contact the Waste Management Division.
