The Regional Municipality of Peel
Schedule “A” – 6-2024

BY-LAW NUMBER 6-2017 proposed amendment

Water bills, sections 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41 of the By-law 6-2017 be deleted and replaced with revised WATER BILLS, sections 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41 as below.

The amendments to WATER BILLS sections 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41 will take into effect on all bills rendered on or after April 1, 2024.

Water Bills

  1. The water charge consists of two components determined by the Commissioner: service delivery charge and volumetric charge.

    Service delivery charge:

    A fixed service delivery charge will be applied based on the size of the water meter. For quarterly billing, the service delivery charge will be applied for one quarter (3 months) and for monthly billing, the service delivery charge will be applied for one month.

    Volumetric charge:

    The following rules will apply to the following customer sectors based on specific volumetric rates for each sector.

    1. Single-unit residential:
      1. A base volumetric rate will be multiplied by the first 50 cubic metres of registered meter consumption in each quarter (3 months).
      2. A higher volumetric rate will be multiplied by the consumption greater than 50 cubic metres of registered meter consumption in each quarter (3 months).
    2. Multi-unit residential:
      1. A multi-unit residential volumetric rate will be multiplied to the registered meter consumption.
    3. Institutional/commercial/industrial:
      1. An institutional/commercial/industrial volumetric rate will be multiplied to the registered meter consumption.
  2. If for any reason the Region is unable to obtain a Water Meter reading, the Region shall deem an amount of water usage based on a reasonable and fair estimate and shall impose a Water Charge accordingly. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Region may base such an estimate on historical consumption levels.
  3. Notwithstanding any other provision of this By-law, where the Region has waived the requirement for a Water Meter in accordance with this By-law, the Water Charge shall be determined in accordance with the rate for unmetered consumption as provided for in the Water Consumption Fees and Charges By-law.
  4. The due date for payment by an End User of a Water Charge is the due date shown on the End User’s water bill. Non-payment or late payment of a Water Charge is subject to Late Payment Penalty in accordance with the Water Consumption Fees and Charges By-law.
  5. When a Water Charge remains unpaid for an unreasonable period, as determined by the Commissioner, the End User will be provided with reasonable notice of an unpaid Water Charge.
  6. After giving notice of an unpaid Water Charge, if a Water Charge remains unpaid for an unreasonable period as determined by the Commissioner, the Region may take any reasonable steps to recover the unpaid amount or to mitigate its loss, including but not limited to, providing reasonable notice of water discontinuation.