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Peel Region

Major Office Incentives Program

Working with you to bring office employment opportunities to Peel.

The Regional Major Office Incentives Program is a partnership program between Peel Region and its 3 local municipalities (Brampton, Caledon, and Mississauga) to provide financial incentives to encourage major office development.

The program's overall intended outcome is to support Peel Region in meeting its employment forecasts and providing stable high-quality jobs to Peel residents.

Eligible major office developments can receive tax increment equivalent grants (TIEGs) for a period of up to 10 years to offset increased property taxes.

The Regional Major Office Incentives Program is open to receive applications until April 22, 2026.

If you have questions about the Regional Major Office Incentives Program, email Planning.

Other information

Feasibility Assessment – July 2020

As part of the supporting information for a Growth Management ROPA, the 2017 Region of Peel Employment Strategy Discussion Paper (and the draft Addendum for Planning to 2051) recommended implementation strategies to achieve employment targets.

One strategy included investigating whether it would be feasible to incentivize major office employment development through a Regional community improvement plan.

Community improvement plans are tools municipalities can use to develop a comprehensive plan for community improvement within a predefined area.

The Regional Official Plan currently permits community improvement plans or strategies to be implemented. Incentives associated with a community improvement plan may be one factor contributing to encouraging office development to locate in Peel.

A feasibility assessment was prepared and staff recommended that the Region not implement a Regional community improvement plan, but further review supporting and leveraging the local municipal community improvement plans for major office development. Regional Council directed staff to develop recommendations to establish an incentives program which utilizes Tax Increment Equivalent Grants via Resolution 2020-633.

Proposing the Regional Major Office Incentives Program – April 2021

Peel Region worked with N. Barry Lyon Consultants to review best practices of other municipalities which implement TIEG incentives.

By using this information and working with local municipal partners, the Regional Major Office Incentives Program was developed to provide TIEGs to major office developments of approximately 1,858 square metres (20,000 square feet) and above, subject to eligibility criteria.

The Regional Major Office Incentives Program was approved on April 22, 2021 by Regional Council via Resolutions 2021-453, 2021-455, and by-law 29-2021.

The following links are proposed program details, case studies, and financial implications outlined in the Regional Major Office Incentives Program report to Regional Council.

The Regional Major Office Incentives Program is outlined in a guidance document, based on the detailed parameters in By-law 29-2021 and Planning Act policies.

The Regional Major Office Incentives Program will provide TIEGs to major office developments of approximately 1,858 square metres (20,000 square feet) and above, subject to eligibility criteria.

If you are interested in applying to the program, please review the Regional Major Office Incentives Program details by-law and submit your proposed development information through the pre-application form.

Local municipal community improvement plans

Please refer to the web pages of our local municipal partners for more information on the applicable Community Improvement Plans (CIP) for Major Office, which the Regional Major Office Incentives Program builds upon.