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Peel Region

Rates pay for more than tap water

Water and wastewater rates fund Peel’s complex treatment systems.

Your Peel Region water bill shows your water and wastewater rates.
These rates pay for the safe, high-quality drinking water that comes from your tap, as well as:

Peel’s water supply is consistent and available whenever you need it.

Your water bill amount is based on your water meter reading, so you only pay for what you use.

Peel’s water and wastewater rates are 30% lower than our neighbouring municipalities. This is significant, considering that Peel Region has one of the largest water and wastewater systems in Canada, serving 1.5 million residents in Brampton, Mississauga, and Caledon.

Your water rates pay for 599 million litres of high-quality drinking water that’s delivered to homes and businesses. Rates also pay for the 500 million litres of wastewater that’s collected and removed everyday in an environmentally responsible way.

Discover more about Peel’s water and wastewater and how to save money by reducing the water you use.