Peel Region homepage
Peel Region

Street name excluded letter combinations

Street names that start with the following letters will not be approved.

Operators enter the first 3 letters of a street into municipal Fire Emergency Services computers. A maximum of 30 street names can be viewed at a time, and anything more will be displayed on the next screen.

To streamline Fire Emergency Service street searches within Peel Region:

Last updated: February 1, 2021

Starting letters Current number of streets
Bal 30
Ban 29
Bar 66
Bea 32
Ber 61
Bla 28
Blu 54
Bra 30
Bri 103
Bro 74
Bur 72
Cal 61
Can 32
Car 58
Cas 112
Cha 58
Che 102
Chi 62
Cla 31
Cra 64
Col 25
Con 66
Cor 31
Cre 75
Cro 95
Dun 27
Fai 31
FOR 27
Gar 68
Cle 64
Gol 74
Gra 59
Gre 35
Har 106
Hea 93
Hig 28
HIL 29
Hol 128
KEN 63
Kin 78
LAK 46
LAN 75
Lon 30
Man 30
Mar 146
Mc 81
McC 28
MIL 84
MON 71
New 30
Nor 62
Oak 43
Old or Olde 62
Par 121
Pin 30
Pri 31
Que 50
Red 59
Riv 28
Roc 28
Ros 32
Roy 30
Saint 17
St. 15
San 60
Sha 79
She 59
Sil 64
Sou 23
Spr 30
Sun 58
Sta 77
Ste 32
Sto 72
Tra 27
Tre 30
Val 53
Wal 28
Wat 31
Wes 60
Whi 69
Wil 115
Win 77
Woo 60