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Peel Region

Sanitary sewer replacement and improvement

Alderbury Crescent and Alexandria Crescent. Project 21-2300B

The Region of Peel recently installed new sanitary sewers in your neighbourhood, and then repaired driveways, streets, curbs, sidewalks and grassy areas affected by this construction. Roads were also temporarily repaired before the winter.

We will be returning to your neighbourhood to do some additional repair work this spring:

This work will be overseen by Groundbreakers Contracting Ltd., under contract to the Region of Peel. We will update you on the timing once it is confirmed.


Pothole repairs

It is normal for repaired areas to settle over the winter. If you see large potholes (where the driveway, street, or lawn was repaired) that are a tripping hazard, please contact us at so that we can address any safety hazards.

Keeping you informed

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Information on this project can also be found at

We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for your cooperation while we finish this work.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Wastewater Collection and Conveyance
Engineering Services Division
Public Works, Region of Peel
Phone: 905-791-7800 ext. 4409