The Regional Municipality of Peel
By-law number 31-2017

A by-law to implement on-street bike lanes and two-way centre left turn lanes on Regional Road 4 (Dixie Road) in the area of Lakeshore Road to Rometown Drive in the City of Mississauga; and to amend By-law Number 15-2013 being a by-law to regulate traffic on roads under the jurisdiction of The Regional Municipality of Peel.

Whereas, the Council of the Regional Corporation on the 24th day of January 2013 passed By-law 15-2013 to consolidate the by-laws that regulate traffic on roads under jurisdiction of The Regional Municipality of Peel;

And whereas, the Council of The Regional Municipality of Peel has by resolution passed on the 8th day of June, 2017, authorized the enactment of a by-law to amend By-law 15-2013 to designate on-street bicycle lanes on Regional Roads as bicycle exclusive lanes; and that both the east and west sides of Regional Road 4 (Dixie Road) from Lakeshore Road to Rometown Drive be designated as bicycle exclusive lanes;

And whereas, motorists who drive, park or stop in a reserved bicycle lane will be liable to a fine in accordance with Section 19 of By-law 15-2013, and the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.33, as amended;

Now therefore, the the Council of the Regional Corporation enacts as follows:

  1. That a new Section 25 of the by-law be added as follows:

    When official Reserved Bicycle Lane signs are erected and on display, no person shall drive, Park or Stop a Vehicle, other than a Bicycle or Public Transit vehicle in any portion of a Highway having been divided into clearly marked lanes for bicycle traffic, set out in Schedule A of this by-law, Part 25, Column 1, between the limits set out respectively in Columns 2 and 3 of said parts, in the directions set out in Column 4.

  2. That under Section 2(1) – Interpretation – a new subsection be added as follows:

    "Reserved Bicycle Lane" means a section of the street or roadway designated for unidirectional bicycle traffic only and denoted by pavement markings and signage;

  3. That Part 25 (Reserved Bicycle Lanes) be added to Schedule A of By-law 15-2013 as follows:
    Column 1
    Column 2
    Column 3
    Column 4
    Regional Road 4 Lakeshore Road Rometown Drive Northbound, East Curb Lane
    Regional Road 4 Lakeshore Road Rometown Drive Southbound,West Curb Lane
  4. That Part 14 of Schedule A of By-law 15-2013 is amended by deleting the following:
    Column 1
    Column 2
    Column 3
    Column 4
    Direction of Movement
    Column 5
    Time or Days
    Regional Road 4 Saint James Avenue to Orchard Hill Road Centre Northbound and southbound left turns Anytime
    Regional Road 4 200 metres south of Larchview Trail to Larchview Trail Centre Northbound and southbound left turns Anytime


Read three times And passed in open Council this 8th day of June, 2017.

K. Lockyer
Regional Clerk

F. Dale
Regional Chair