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Peel Region

Freedom of Information requests

You have the right to request records from Peel Region.

For records that are not processed through routine disclosure, you can submit a Freedom of Information (FOI) request.

On this page


Anyone living or working in Peel can access this service.

What you need

You need a written request or a completed Freedom of Information Request form.


The mandatory application fee to submit a request is $5.

You may need to pay additional fees, though many fees may be avoided if you received electronic copies of records.

Charges for requests may include:

Charges for all other requests:

How to request

Step 1:

Be certain that you need to submit an FOI request form.

Many Peel Region program areas provide records through an informal process without having to submit an FOI Request.

Refer to routine disclosure for guidance on accessing personal information directly from our program areas, such as ambulance call reports and immunization records.

Step 2:

If submitting an FOI request is required, use our Freedom of Information Request form.

Who to contact

If you have a question or need more information, email Freedom of Information.

More information

Once we get your request, we’ll send you an Acknowledgment letter.

We'll give you a decision regarding disclosure within 30 days of receiving the request.

Some requests may not be processed in 30 days. This can happen if:

  • The request is for extensive records and warrants an extension.
  • The request needs to be clarified before it can be processed.
  • There are other parties that need to be informed about the request.


Access to a record, or information within the record, may be redacted if the record contains:

  • Information received in confidence from another government.
  • Financial or commercial information supplied in confidence where providing the information could harm the interests of another party.
  • Personal information of others.
  • Draft by-laws and records of closed meetings of Council or its committees.
  • Advice or recommendations of an employee or consultant.
  • Information that could harm the financial or other interests of Peel Region.
  • Information subject to solicitor-client privilege, such as legal advice.
  • Information already available to the public through another means, or soon to be published.

If you disagree with an access decision, you can appeal to the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario within 30 days.

Include in your letter:

  • the file number cited in your decision letter
  • a copy of the decision letter
  • a copy of your original request for information

A mandatory appeal fee must be sent with your letter:

  • $10.00 for requests where records contain your personal information
  • $25.00 for all other information requests
  • A cheque or money order made payable to: Minister of Finance

You can get information from Peel Region in the following ways:

  1. Website: You can look through Peel Region's website.
  2. Open data: The Peel Data Centre is a network of Peel Region resources with a wide range of data on topics.
  3. Routine disclosure: Many Regional program areas can provide records to you through an informal process.Check the User Fees and Changes By-Law.
  4. Freedom of Information: You can submit a Freedom of Information request.
  5. If you are member of law enforcement: Complete the Law Enforcement Request for Personal Information Form to request information held by Peel Region.

We are committed to working with law enforcement agencies to help keep our residents safe and secure. Contact us if you have questions about our procedures for releasing information to law enforcement.

View our Personal Health Information Protection Act page for information about our health privacy practices.