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Stopping the violence against paramedics

Peel paramedics are working hard to take violence out of the equation.

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our lives in ways we never expected. But with all the disruption, one thing that hasnt changed is the dedication of our first responders. Peel paramedics need your help providing some basic things from all of us in the community. Cooperation and respect are 2 things every paramedic deserves and needs to help someone who is in medical distress. These basic things arent being given to them and they experience physical and verbal violence while trying to do their jobs.

Paramedics are being hit, spit on or grabbed inappropriately way too often.

Recently, a dedicated group of Peel paramedics have been leading the charge to end this violence. Theyre working closely with Regional Council, paramedic leadership, and community stakeholders, including Peel Regional Police to lay the groundwork to reduce the violence.

What theyre doing

Whats next

Theres much more work to do to ensure our paramedics can do their jobs while not fearing for their safety. This is just the beginning.

Starting in the new year, an education campaign will begin through social media and across many Region of Peel channels. The campaign may be shocking to some, but it highlights the reality of whats happening to paramedics every day.

The Its not normal campaign will feature questions such as: Is getting punched in the face a part of your job? Is getting spit on a part of your job? and will work to highlight the issue in the community as a first step to driving community empathy and eventually support for our paramedics.

Watch for more information coming soon on how you can help our paramedics curb the violence.