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Peel recognizes World Homeless Day 2024

On October 10 we pause to reflect on one of the most pressing social issues of our time.

World Homeless Day is about raising awareness and acknowledging the collaborative efforts needed to address and end homelessness. Today, we shine a light not only on our most vulnerable but on the key players whose invaluable contributions create positive lasting change.

Specialists and Program Analysts: shaping a better future

At the heart of transforming homelessness are specialists and program analysts who advocate for the creation, modification, and implementation of effective policies. They understand that housing is a human right and work to develop strategies that help individuals secure and maintain affordable housing. At Peel, through innovative solutions and evidence-based approaches, we aim to reduce homelessness and address systemic barriers. Our work ensures that new policies reflect the needs of the community, paving the way for more inclusive and supportive housing solutions.

Street Outreach Team and shelter staff: bridging the gap

On the front lines, our dedicated Peel Street Outreach teams and support staff provide direct help to those experiencing homelessness. Their work involves connecting with individuals in need, offering immediate assistance and referrals to housing support while providing a compassionate ear. Their presence not only helps to meet urgent needs but also builds trust and offers hope. They are crucial in turning the tide on homelessness. In Peel, we have a mobile outreach team and place-based outreach teams in known homeless hot spots. Last year, our teams conducted over 6,000 in-person interventions for people living on the streets. Additionally, 4,315 households, or 6,007 clients, were served by emergency shelters or overflow hotels, which is nearly 2,000 more than the previous year. The rise in these figures underscores the unwavering dedication of our staff and partner organizations in providing essential services despite the challenges.

Housing Services Staff: building and providing innovative solutions

Housing Services staff play a pivotal role in enhancing the housing system. They focus on growing and improving the system, making it more accessible and easier to navigate for clients. By continuously evaluating and refining programs, they work to make the system more equitable and effective, recognizing that stable housing is key to unlocking potential and changing lives. We are facing the biggest housing crisis of our time and we’re seeing a significant increase in encampments in Peel. With our partners, we are committed to creating a homeless encampment policy framework and joint protocols that will incorporate a human rights-based approach.

We adopted a needs-based approach to administering housing subsidies to ensure that limited resources are used to help those in need. At the end of 2023, over 2,500 households in Peel had a provincially funded or regionally funded portable housing subsidy.

Like many other parts of Canada, Peel has seen a sharp and unprecedented rise in asylum claimants in need of support. By the end of last year, asylum claimants represented more than 70% of Peel’s shelter population, previously 5%. In response, staff increased Overflow Shelter Hotels to meet the ongoing and growing demand for emergency shelter. Peel is developing a sustainable, person-centred model to better support asylum claimants, featuring a GTHA Reception Centre for intake and assessment, coordinated exits to other municipalities, alongside dedicated shelter facilities for targeted support.

Community partners: providing holistic support

Community partners provide critical support that goes beyond just offering shelter. They play a vital role in addressing the broader needs of individuals experiencing homelessness. Their contributions help build a future where everyone has a place to belong.

At Peel Region, we launched the new Community Agency Subsidy Program to give local community agencies access to subsidies which support their clients financially while providing them with the wrap-around services and support they need. We also work closely with partners to build more affordable housing. In 2023, 1,340 units were under development, including 97 units funded through the Peel Affordable Rental Housing Incentives Program.

People with lived experience: guiding us with insight

People with lived experience of homelessness provide essential insights that enhance our understanding and empathy. Their stories help us make informed, empathetic decisions. Recognizing that today's choices impact tomorrow, their contributions guide us toward a brighter future. Peel conducts a Point-in-Time Count every 2 years to understand the demographics and experiences of homelessness. This year, our one-night enumeration, is taking place on November 13, estimating the number of people experiencing homelessness and their locations on one single night.

Peel recognizes the close link between homelessness and health, where poor living conditions and limited healthcare worsen both physical and mental health. Health issues can lead to homelessness, and homelessness can worsen health problems. Effective solutions need stable housing combined with healthcare and support services. To address this, Peel has partnered with WellFort Community Health Services, which provides primary and nursing healthcare services for people experiencing homelessness. This program is run at the Dundas Shelter in Mississauga. Over time, WellFort will be delivering primary care services at other locations across Peel.

World Homeless Day 2024 serves as a reminder that ending homelessness requires a united effort from all sectors of society. By working together, we can address the systemic challenges of homelessness and build a future where everyone has a place to call home. Let us continue to support and celebrate the efforts of these dedicated individuals and organizations and work collectively toward a world where homelessness is a thing of the past.