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Peel Region

Make a formal complaint or damage or injury claim

If you feel Peel Region is responsible for property damage or a personal injury, you can make a claim.

Our Loss Management team will work with you to investigate and solve your claim.

You can also make a formal complaint.

A process is in place for formal complaint about:

On this page


Anyone is eligible to make a claim or formal complaint.

What you need

You’ll need to provide information that supports your claim, such as:


There is no cost for this service.

How to make a claim or complaint

To make an injury or damage claim, email Loss Management or call 905-791-7800 ext. 4269.

To make a formal complaint:

Who to contact

If you have any questions or would like more details:

More information

Submitting a claim does not guarantee compensation.

Each claim is reviewed by the division that is claimed to have caused the damage. It could take weeks, months, or even years to resolve if employees oppose the claim.

Common types of formal complaints

  • Vehicle accidents
  • Vehicle accident due to pot holes
  • Sewer back-up
  • Lost or stolen tech and property damage.
  • Injury

Types of claims

First Party: Damage to or loss of Regional assets (such as vehicles, buildings, contents, equipment).

Third Party: Claims made by people who have been injured or whose property has been damaged or lost as the alleged result of Regional operations.

Injury: Appropriate if a person (other than a Regional employee) is injured on Region of Peel property or as a result of Regional operations.