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Apply for Ontario Works or emergency assistance

If you need help paying for food and shelter, financial help is available from the Ontario government called Ontario Works. This is also sometimes known as social assistance.

Emergency assistance is also available and offers short-term financial help for people in crisis or an emergency situation.

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Ontario Works

Eligibility depends on your household income, what you own, and the number of people in your family. Only 1 application is needed for each family.

Applicants must also be:

Emergency assistance

Applicants must be:

If you are a Ukrainian or migrant with documentation confirming that you are in Ontario under the Canadian-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel and require emergency assistance, call 905-793-9200 or toll free at 1-800-327-5379.

What you need

When applying you will need the following:

How to apply

Peel Region staff will complete your Ontario Works or emergency assistance application for you if you meet any of the following criteria.

Call us to complete your application

Telephone applications take approximately 45 minutes to an hour to complete.

Apply to the Ontario government

You'll need to apply directly to the Ontario government if you do not meet the criteria for Peel Region staff to apply for you.

You can also call toll free 1-888-999-1142 to apply over the phone.

You'll be contacted by a caseworker within 4 business days of you submitting your application.

Check the status of your application

If you applied online

You can check the status of your application after you submit it online. This digital feature is available to most applicants.

To check the status of your online application, you will need your application number.

Your application number is in the email we sent you if you submitted your application online. It is also displayed on the confirmation page after you submit your application.

Check the status of your online application

If you applied in person or by phone

You can find out the status of your application by contacting:

Toll-free: 1-888-999-1142

Toll-free TTY: 1-800-387-5559

Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (ET)

More information

Watch this video to learn how Ontario Works can help you.

Your application review appointment

An appointment will be set up to review your application with you and a caseworker. Have all your documents ready for your appointment. Staff will review your documents to decide if you qualify for financial assistance and can recommend other programs to support you.
Your spouse and any children over age 18 must also be available for your application review appointment.

If you need a translator, Ontario Works may provide one for you.

Appeal a decision

If you aren't eligible for financial help, you will get a letter. This letter will tell you why your application wasn't accepted, and you can ask for the decision to be re-considered. This is called an appeal.

You can appeal if:

  • Your application wasn't accepted.
  • You disagree with the amount of financial assistance you receive.

Find out how to appeal a decision.

Rights and responsibilities

Ontario Works provides financial assistance to people in need. If you are eligible for assistance, you will receive assistance each month for as long as you are eligible.

Learn your rights and responsibilities.

Dental and eye care coverage

As an Ontario Works client, you can get help paying for emergency dental, denture and eye care for yourself and your family. Simply bring a piece of ID showing your name and date of birth to your dentist, denturist or eye doctor and tell them that you are with Peel Region Accerta.

You need to let the dentist, denturist or eye doctor know that you are receiving Ontario Works assistance so that you are not charged for services. Your provider may be required to obtain pre-approval before services are provided. Ontario Works in Peel does not reimburse for costs you pay out of pocket.

To find out what you are eligible for, ask at your appointment with your dentist, denturist, or eye doctor. If you are told that you are ineligible for service, all 905-793-9200 ext. 4535 and leave a voice message.

Get more information.

Report welfare fraud

Welfare fraud reports are taken very seriously.

Provide the following information:

  • name
  • address (including city)
  • why you believe this person is receiving assistance fraudulently.

How to report:

Ministry staff cannot confirm whether individuals are in receipt of social assistance and therefore cannot discuss the details of a fraud investigation with the person who filed the complaint.