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Peel Region

Traffic Calming

Traffic calming is the use of different techniques to slow drivers down and reduce vehicle speeds.

We use the 3 "Es" - engineering techniques, education, and enforcement, (i.e., police) - to change drivers' behaviour and improve road safety in Peel.

Traffic Calming Techniques in Peel

The following traffic calming techniques are used on Regional roads.

Mobile Radar Speed Trailer

Mobile Radar Speed Trailer

A mobile trailer set up on the shoulder or boulevard to show drivers the posted speed and the speed of the vehicle they're driving.

A "SLOW DOWN" message is displayed if the vehicle exceeds the maximum speed.

Mobile radar speed trailers are used in any requested area where traffic speed is a concern.

Video Surveillance Trailer

Video Surveillance Trailer

A recording device with 4 cameras fixed to a mobile trailer.

The digital recording device (DVR) records traffic activities.

Video surveillance trailers are used mostly to monitor vehicles and pedestrian activity for long periods of time or when staff isn't available to make observations.

Video surveillance trailers can be used in parking lots, on streets, or at special events.

Vehicle Activated Traffic Calming Signs

Vehicle Activated Traffic Calming Signs

A sign with an electronic LED (light emitting diode) light with a radar speed detector. The speed of your vehicle will be measured by the radar as you approach the sign.

If you're going over the speed limit:

Semi-permanent vehicle activated traffic calming signs can be used almost anywhere.

"SLOW" Marking

"SLOW" Marking

Speed cushions are small rubber pads placed across the road with spaces between them that are used to help slow down cars.

The difference between speed cushions and speed humps is that cushions are spaced in sections that let the emergency vehicles pass without having to slow down.

"SLOW" pavement markings are letters printed on the pavement saying "SLOW"

Speed cushions are used in rural locations where speed issues have been reported.

"SLOW" pavement markings are used in areas where extra attention may be required (e.g., entering built-up urban areas).

Flashing Speed Limit Signs in School Zones

Flashing Speed Limit Signs in School Zones

Flashing speed limit signs on Regional Roads warn drivers that they are entering a school zone and speed limit reduction is required when flashing.

Drivers are required to drive safely and be aware of pedestrians.

List of flashing speed limit sign locations and times of operation.

"Your Speed" Radar Signs

"Your Speed" Radar Signs

Electronic "Your Speed" Radar Sign works in conjunction with existing flashing 40 km/h School Zones to further emphasize the reduced speed because of a school area.

Currently being piloted in Alton on Regional Road 136 (Main Street) at Alton Public School. If the program is expanded, the signs can be utilized anywhere.



A roundabout is a circular intersection where vehicles travel counter-clockwise around a raised center island, with entering traffic yielding the right-of-way to circulating traffic. They help:

Peel roundabouts are built to accommodate all motor vehicles, including large trucks and farm machinery.

To report speeding issues, please submit a Complaint Inspection Form or email us.