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Peel Region

Other studies, projects, and programs

Peel Region staff are working to implement the policies of the Regional Official Plan through various initiatives.

This page provides an overview of several key initiatives that are underway.

Other information

There is a need to increase housing options and affordability in Peel.

In 2018, Peel Region completed the Peel Housing Assessment, which guides the development of the Housing and Homelessness Plan and the Housing Strategy. The Housing Strategy outlines strategies and planning tools available to Peel to increase the supply of affordable housing in Peel. Learn more about how Peel Region is making housing more accessible, diverse, and affordable.

Regional Official Plan Housing Policies

The Regional Official Plan includes policies to increase affordable housing supply and better respond to housing need.

Peel Region is working with local municipalities and community stakeholders, such as development applicants, to implement the housing policies and objectives of the new Regional Official Plan. Below are resources that provide an overview of housing policies and affordability in Peel:

Peel Affordable Rental Incentive Program

As part of the PHHP and in alignment the Regional policies, Peel Region developed a an Affordable Housing Incentives Pilot Program focused on addressing moderate-income needs. After a successful pilot, Regional Council approved the annual Peel Affordable Rental Incentives Program as a permanent program on July 7, 2022.


An age-friendly community:

  • Enables people of all ages to be engaged and participate in activities; and
  • Treats everyone with respect, regardless of age.

Demographics show that Peel's population will age significantly in the near future. In 2021, 14% of Peel's population are seniors (65+). This figure will increase to 20% by 2051. Peel Region is preparing for its aging population by supporting the vision to make Peel more age-friendly where seniors have access to services that enable them to age safely and with dignity, while maximizing their quality of life.

Peel Region reviewed age-friendly policies from our local municipalities, across Canada, and around the world to get a better understanding on how to meet the needs of our aging population. Peel also completed an Age-Friendly Planning Built Environment Assessment to gather information on the diverse seniors population in Peel and elements of the design of Peel communities. The June 2022 final report summarizes Peel-wide analysis and sample neighbourhood audits and identifies gaps and opportunities in Peel to address healthy, active aging, and universal (accessible) design in all aspects of the built environment and public spaces. The report provides 80 recommendations for Peel, local municipalities, and community stakeholders to foster an age-friendly community by improving Peel's built environment, policies, and services.

Visit the Age-Friendly Planning page for more information.

On December 8, 2016 Regional Council adopted Regional Official Plan Amendment (ROPA) 30 to expand the Bolton Rural Service Centre settlement boundary based on Option 6 and the Triangle Lands – Notice of Adoption of ROPA 30 and By-law 67-2016.

This decision received multiple appeals. On November 30, 2020, a settlement was reached and ROPA 30 was approved by oral decision at the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal (now known as the Ontario Land Tribunal).

All updates and contact information regarding this appeal can be found on the OLT e-decisions page, quoting case number PL170058.

Study Overview

In 2012, the Town of Caledon looked at how to accommodate future population growth up to the year 2031 and where growth should occur. Based on the results of this study, Caledon requested that Peel amend the Regional Official Plan to expand the Bolton Rural Service Centre for residential use in 2014. Learn more about Caledon's Bolton Residential Expansion Study.

Through the Bolton Residential Expansion Area study, Peel looked into possible options for the expansion of Bolton's Rural Service Centre including six prospective land areas and the "rounding out areas" identified during Caledon's planning process and a "triangle" of land between the Regional Official Plan Amendment (ROPA) 28 area and Mayfield Road (originally part of the ROPA 28 application). Download the Expansion Area Options Map.

Peel considered this application in keeping with the Planning Act and other necessary Provincial plans and policies, the Regional Official Plan, and the Provincially-facilitated settlement of ROPA 28 (South Albion-Bolton Employment Lands and North Hill Supermarket). An initial public meeting was held in regard to the Bolton Residential Expansion Area study on February 18, 2016.

Peel retained a consultant, The Planning Partnership, to prepare a Discussion Paper and Recommendations Report to consider the Town of Caledon's application to amend the Regional Official Plan. These reports were peer reviewed with outside parties, GM Blue Plan and ESI, to confirm the costing methodology and the servicing strategies and to validate estimates.

Based on the results of this study, Peel drafted ROPA 30 and requested to hold a statutory Public Meeting and Open House. On July 21, 2016, Regional Council made the decision to proceed with public statutory consultation for proposed ROPA 30, which would expand the Bolton Rural Service Centre boundary to incorporate the areas known as the "Option 6" and the "Triangle" lands. Download Council Resolution 2016-662 and proposed ROPA 30. The statutory Open House was held on September 14, 2016 and the statutory Public Meeting was held on September 29, 2016.

For more information on this study, contact