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Peel Region

Service page template guidelines

This document will outline the structure for each service on and indicates what content should be contained under each heading/section.

Service title [required]

The title on the web should match the title in other places (signage, portal, etc.)

Overview (heading name) [required]

Provide an overview of the service using clear, plain language. Explain what it is and who it's for in general terms. As always use short sentences, bulleted lists, first and second person pronouns.

This section length should not be more than 2 short paragraphs.

On this page (heading name) [required]

A bulleted list of the sections on the page linked with jump marks.

Eligibility (heading name) [if applicable]

Describe in more specific detail who the service is for and list eligibility criteria. Not all services will need this section.

What you need (heading name) [if applicable]

Before applying, signing up, registering, renewing the person may need to gather documents, identification etc. Giving this detail in list format will help them prepare to complete the process.

Fees(heading name) [if applicable]

Details about the cost of the service. Is it a one-time fee, annual, or monthly etc.

How to: apply/register/renew (heading name) [if applicable]

Provides a list of steps or actions the person needs to take to access the service. Headings will start with 'How to'

Action [required]

This is where the CTA will be. The apply, sign-up, register etc. button. There should be a heading, a short sentence before the CTA followed by the button.


You can apply online for the xxx service

Call to action

Who to contact (heading name) [optional]

List contact information email, phone number etc. Use a standard format for each service.

More information (heading name) [optional]

This section will include related information and resources that will help inform the resident or business about the service. It could be related to acts, regulations like privacy.

This section can be updated over time to answer common questions people ask on the phone etc.

Possible topics: