Lillian Gordon (1906-1997)
Lillian Gordon was born and raised in Port Credit. She taught in elementary schools from 1925 to 1968, beginning at the Lakeshore Board of Education.
During her career, Gordon became a noted expert on how children learn to read. Her ideas put her on the cutting edge of this field. She founded and supervised programs drawing on children’s creativity and curiosity as they learned new words and concepts: Gordon was never afraid to use new media, such as television, to capture students’ interest. She was also a leader in the new field of special education for students with unique needs.
Lillian Gordon was in high demand as a speaker worldwide, including at the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education and at Durham University in the UK. She authored several standard reading and spelling textbooks. Her fellow teachers recalled that she insisted on teaching in the classroom, working closely with children, despite her travels. Many students credited her with their life-long love of reading.