

✓ Do + Don't
  • Use header cells and not bold text <th>
  • Use sope attributes for row and column header cells
  • bold header cell text. This is styled by the <th> tag
  • include any styling or attributes in table cells or rows

Table options

By default implement with "grid" and row-hover" selectors:

  • white – ensures that all rows are white and thus removes the alternating row colour.
  • grid – places grid-lines
  • full – makes the table span full width
  • row-hover – highlights the row colour on hover


Use the buttons to apply or remove the selectors on the demo table:

Demo table tag

<table class="charttable grid row-hover">
Date on your cheque Date cheques are mailed Date funds are deposited to your bank
December 30 December 16 December 30
January 31 January 26 January 31
February 28 February 23 February 28
March 31 March 27 March 31
April 28 April 25 April 28
May 31 May 26 May 31

Table with header cells in rows

Make sure to use cope when having headers in rows (in the following example it's months). The appropriate scope attributes added to the row headings. Show me):

<th scope="row">January</th> 
Payment month Date on your cheque Date cheques are mailed Date funds are deposited to your bank
January December 30 December 16 December 30
February January 31 January 26 January 31
March February 28 February 23 February 28

Table with rowspan

We can see that we will have to use some options to correct the appearance of the issue created by the rowspan; the alternating row colours mismatch. Therefore, there will be cases when we will not be using alternating row colours. This can be corrected with additional CSS selectors.

If implementing a table that contains rowspans, use the additional "grid" selector in the. Also recommend adding the "white" selector because the row colours would not match and may not look ideal. DO NOT use the row-hover selector if your table contains row spans.


Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Row 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit Lorem ipsum dolor sit Lorem ipsum dolor sit
Row 3
Another Line
Lorem ipsum dolor sit Lorem ipsum dolor sit Lorem ipsum dolor sit
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Row3 Fusce aliquet condimentum gravida.

Use the following in these scenarios (and see resulting table):

<table class="charttable white grid">


Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Row 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit Lorem ipsum dolor sit Lorem ipsum dolor sit
Row 3
Another Line
Lorem ipsum dolor sit Lorem ipsum dolor sit Lorem ipsum dolor sit
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Row3 Fusce aliquet condimentum gravida.

Tables on mobile devices

Most tables are too wide to render properly on smaller devices. Our quick solution is two wrap the table in a container that is 100% device width and horizonatlly scrollable, table will have minimum withs therein.

  • Scrollbar will not be visible on touch devices.
  • Widest will shoew scrollbar on desktop due to its width.
  • Scroll message only appears it activates

If the table can compress comfortably within a width of 375px, no tratment is needed, otherwise:

Samples Compress browser to experience

Small table

Does not need any treatment if it compresses wwell into 375px

Narrow table Date cheques are mailed
December 30 December 16
January 31 January 26
February 28 February 23
March 31 March 27
April 28 April 25
May 31 May 26

Mid-width: table has a minimum width of 750px

<div class="mobiletable">
  --your table code here-—
Mid-width table Date cheques are mailed Date funds are deposited to your bank
December 30 December 16 December 30
January 31 January 26 January 31
February 28 February 23 February 28
March 31 March 27 March 31
April 28 April 25 April 28
May 31 May 26 May 31

Widest: table has a minimum width of 925px

<div class="mobiletable wide">
  --your table code here-—
Wide table Date cheques are mailed Date funds are deposited to your bank Some column
December 30 December 16 December 30 Alfreds Futterkiste
January 31 January 26 January 31 Centro comercial Moctezuma
February 28 February 23 February 28 Ernst Handel
March 31 March 27 March 31 Island Trading
April 28 April 25 April 28 Laughing Bacchus Winecellars
May 31 May 26 May 31 Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti

Wider: table has a minimum width of 1280px

This (and the next option) will be available on desktop due to the nature of the content.

<div class="mobiletable widest">
  --your table code here-—
Widest table Date cheques are mailed Date funds are deposited to your bank Some column Another column Last column
December 30 December 16 December 30 Alfreds Futterkiste Maria Anders Germany
January 31 January 26 January 31 Centro comercial Moctezuma Francisco Chang Mexico
February 28 February 23 February 28 Ernst Handel Roland Mendel Austria
March 31 March 27 March 31 Island Trading Helen Bennett UK
April 28 April 25 April 28 Laughing Bacchus Winecellars Yoshi Tannamuri Canada
May 31 May 26 May 31 Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Giovanni Rovelli Italy

Unlimited: table width is it's content width:

<div class="mobiletable unlimited">
  --your table code here-—
No limit Date cheques are mailed Date funds are deposited to your bank Some column Another column Last column Tag Description Month Savings
December 30 December 16 December 30 Alfreds Futterkiste Maria Anders Germany <table> Defines a table January $100
January 31 January 26 January 31 Centro comercial Moctezuma Francisco Chang Mexico <th> Defines a header cell in a table February $50
February 28 February 23 February 28 Ernst Handel Roland Mendel Austria <tr> Defines a row in a table March $100
March 31 March 27 March 31 Island Trading Helen Bennett UK <td> Defines a cell in a table April $100
April 28 April 25 April 28 Laughing Bacchus Winecellars Yoshi Tannamuri Canada <caption> Defines a table caption May $50
May 31 May 26 May 31 Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Giovanni Rovelli Italy <colgroup> Specifies a group of one or more columns in June $100