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Peel Region

Cancelling a TransHelp trip

If you no longer want to travel on a scheduled date, you can cancel your trip 4 hours before the start of your pick-up window.

A fare will be deducted from your account if you do not cancel 4 hours before the start of your pick-up window.

On this page


Any TransHelp passenger (or family member or caregiver) can cancel a TransHelp trip.

What you need

Have the following information on hand to cancel a trip:


There is no fee to book or cancel a TransHelp trip, but a fare will be deducted from your account if you do not cancel 4 hours before the start of your pick-up window.

How to cancel a trip

Trips can only be cancelled. They cannot be deleted.

Cancelling a one-way trip

The following content takes you through the steps to cancel a one-time trip.

  1. In the Trips screen, click or tap the trip you want to cancel on a specific date.
  2. The Trip Details screen will appear.
  3. Click or tap the Cancel button.
  4. A message will appear to confirm the cancellation.
  5. Click or tap Yes to continue cancelling the trip. If the trip is cancelled successfully, a “cancelled successfully” message will show.
  6. The trip will stay in the calendar now displayed with the Cancelled status icon.

    If the system can’t cancel the trip, a message will appear advising you to call 905-791-1015.

Cancelling Subscription trips

The following content takes you through the steps to cancel an existing subscription trip.

  1. In Subscription Trips screen, click or tap any subscription trips you would like to cancel.
  2. Click or tap the Cancel button.
  3. Enter a Cancellation Reason then click or tap Yes.
  4. A message will appear stating the trip has been successfully cancelled, and the cancelled subscription trip will disappear from the Subscription Trips screen.

Who to contact

For more information about cancelling a TransHelp account, call 905-791-1015.