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Total Population
Did you know?
That Peel has the second highest municipal population in Ontario?
2016 Population by Age Group
Median Age
The median age of Peel residents is
years old. This is the lowest in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA)!
The median female age is 39.1 years old.
The median male age is 37.5 years old.
Family Structure
What is a Census Family?
A married or common law couple (same sex included) and their children, if any, of either or both partners.
Lone parents living with at least one child and children living with grandparents, with no parents present, are also census families.
Children may be by birth, marriage, or adoption as long as they live in the same dwelling and do not have a spouse or child living in that dwelling.
Employment & Income
Labour Force & Employment
Please Note!
The Labour Force and Employment graph uses absolute numbers, so it will be difficult to compare geographies with large populations (i.e. Peel) to areas of small populations (i.e. Ward). You may need to view geographies with small populations on their own, or visit Open Data.
What is the Labour Force?
Refers to persons who, during the week of Sunday, May 1 to Saturday, May 7, 2016, were either employed or unemployed.
Individuals that are not in the labour force are people that are 15 years old or over and are neither employed nor actively looking for work.
Did you know?
For the first time in 2016, income information was solely collected using Canada Revenue Agency records such as tax and benefits data. The use of government records increases the quality of income data.
Income questions were not a part of the 2016 Census. Instead, income data was collected from the Canada Revenue Agency. 2016 income data cannot be directly compared to 2011 National Household Survey data.
Labour Force Rates
Total Income of Population Aged 15+ (2015)
Low Income
What is the Low Income Measure?
Low-income measure after tax (LIM-AT) is a fixed percentage (50%) of median adjusted after-tax income of households observed at the person level, where 'adjusted' indicates that a household's needs are taken into account. Adjustment for household sizes reflects the fact that a household's needs increase as the number of members increase, although not necessarily by the same proportion per additional member.
Dwellings by Structural Type
Dwelling Structural Types
- Single detached house - A single dwelling not attached to any other dwelling or structure (except its own garage or shed).
- Semi-detached house - One of two dwellings attached side by side (or back to back) to each other, but not attached to any other dwelling or structure (except its own garage or shed).
- Row house - One of three or more dwellings joined side by side (or occasionally side to back), such as a townhouse or garden home, but not having any other dwellings either above or below. Townhouses attached to a high-rise building are also classified as row houses.
- Apartments - Refers to all types: apartment or flat in a duplex, apartment in a building that has five or more storeys, and apartment in a building that has fewer than five storeys.
- Other categories of dwellings were not included in this graph but can be found in Open Data.
% of Households Spending ≥30% or more of Household Income on Shelter Costs
Average Monthly Shelter Costs
Did you know?
That Peel has the highest median monthly shelter costs for owned dwellings in the Greater Toronto Area?
Ethnicity & Immigration
Period of Immigration
Top 5 Immigrant Places of Birth (%)
Did you know?
That Peel has the highest proportion of immigrants in the GTA at 51.5%?
Top 5 Countries
Top Immigrant and Recent Immigrant Places of Birth are shown as the Top 5 by proportion. Wherever you see an asterisk (*) please note that there is more than one country that has tied for that particular position. We have chosen to show the first country tying for any particular position alphabetically. To see the complete ranking of countries please refer to Open Data. Please note that n/a denotes a zero value.
Top 5 Recent Immigrant Places of Birth (%)
Recent Immigrants
Recent immigrants are classified as those who entered the country between the 2011 and 2016 Census.
Immigration Admission Category
Admission category for immigrants that landed on or after January 1, 1980.
Economic Immigrant
This category includes immigrants who have been selected for their ability to contribute to Canada's economy through their ability to meet labour market needs, to own and manage or to build a business, to make a substantial investment, or to create their own employment.
Knowledge of Official Languages
Did you know?
That of the 132,100 people who speak only Punjabi at home in Ontario, 94,900 (72%) live in Peel?
Please Note!
Due to the low number of French speakers in Peel, it may appear that there is no bar representing the knowledge of French only. This graph uses absolute numbers so it will be difficult to compare geographies with large populations (i.e. Ontario) to areas of small populations (i.e. Ward). To view the raw data visit Open Data.
Top 5 Non-Official Languages Spoken Most Often at Home (%)
Did you know?
That Chinese includes responses of "Chinese" as well as Chinese languages other than Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese, Chaochow (Teochow), Fukien, Hakka, and Shanghainese?
Top 5 Non-Official Languages
Top Non-Official Languages Spoken Most Often at Home are shown as the Top 5 by proportion. Wherever you see an asterisk (*) please note that there is more than one language that has tied for that particular position. We have chosen to show the first language (alphabetically) tying for any particular position. To see the complete list of languages please refer to Open Data.
Mode of Transportation
Please Note!
Due to the high number of drivers in Peel, it may appear that there are no segments representing pedestrians, cyclists, or other transportation uses even though they are represented. To view the raw data visit Open Data.
Did you know?
That Peel has the second highest percentage of people that take transit to work (15.5%) in the GTA?.
Commute Time
Commute time is the amount of time it takes for a person to travel one way from home to work on a usual day.
Did you know?
of Peel residents' commute 30 minutes or less one way?
Level of Education
Over half (54.7%) of Peel's population aged 15 years and over have a post-secondary certificate, diploma or degree.

Location of Study
For those that have completed a certificate, diploma, or degree above the high school level.
The Region of Peel is made up of the Cities of Brampton and Mississauga and the Town of Caledon. According to the 2016 Census, the Region of Peel had a population of 1.43 million people (including undercount). Between 2011 and 2016 Peel had a growth rate of 6.5 percent.
For more information about the socio-demographic characteristics of Peel, please look at our Census Bulletins.
2016 Population of Peel
Population Growth of Peel
Top 10 Countries of Birth for Immigrants
Regional Chair
Nando Iannicca10 Peel Centre Drive
Brampton, ON L6T 4B9
Office Phone: 905-791-7800 x4310
Email Chair Iannicca
Hours: Monday to Friday - 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Census Bulletins
Ward values are derived from a 25% sample of the population, which differs from the 100% sample available with standard Census releases. Therefore, ward totals may not add up to Peel and municipal totals found in other sources. Proportion and ranking calculations use the sum of ward populations as denominators.
Users should note that random rounding has been applied to the data, which can affect the calculation of proportions and totals.
Get the raw data! - You can find links to the full data tables in the Download button at the top of this page or on the Region of Peel Data Portal website.
If you require information in an alternate format, please call 905-791-7800 ext. 4231. We will work with you to understand your specific information and accessibility needs and to provide for them within a reasonable timeframe.