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Online booking overview

You can use your computer, smartphone or tablet to book, update, and cancel your TransHelp trips.

The following content provides an overview of the new TransHelp online booking system.

You are not able to add an occasional support person when booking online. To book a trip with an occasional support person call us at 905-791-1015.

For detailed instructions, refer to our online booking manual.

Other information

The TransHelp online booking system:

  • Will work on any desktop, laptop, smartphone or tablet.
  • Is available every day, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Use any of these internet browsers to book online:

  • Internet Explorer – version 11 and above
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Safari – version 5.x and above
  • Microsoft Edge

You’ll need to provide your Client ID, email address, and birth date to register for online booking.

Your email is your unique ID for your online TransHelp account. You cannot use the same email for two different accounts. If you have more than one TransHelp account, each account must have its own email address.

After registering, you’ll get a confirmation email to complete your registration. This email is only valid for 2 hours from the time that you received it. If you don’t complete your registration within 2 hours of receiving this email, you’ll need to register again.

For more detailed instructions on registering, refer to how to register for online booking.

My Profile

You can update your email address and phone number online in My Profile.

For more detailed instructions for your profile, refer to viewing and editing your profile.

If you would like to update an address, call 905-791-1015.


If you’ve forgotten your password or you’d like to change it, refer to passwords and logging on.

Adding favourite locations

Your favourite locations are already listed on your account. We selected these locations for you based on your previous travel history.

You can have up to 8 favourite locations on your account.

To add a favourite location, you can call 905-791-1015 or email

We monitor this email account during regular business hours: Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. If we receive your email during business hours, we’ll complete your request within 24 hours and send you a confirmation email.

If we receive your email outside of business hours, we’ll add the new address the following business day and send you a confirmation email.

Email guidelines for adding an address

  1. Put “Add address” in your email subject line.
  2. Include this information in your email message:
    • Your TransHelp Client ID.
    • The full address of the location you would like added to your online booking account. This includes the address number, street name, city or town and postal code.
    • Any address you would like us to remove. You can have up to 8 locations on your account. If adding a new location means your total number of addresses will be more than 8, tell us which address you'd like us to remove.

Book a trip online

Some aspects for booking online are the same as booking by phone.

When booking online, you can book 7 days a week (except for statutory holidays). You can also book in 15 minute intervals (for example: 3:15, 4:45).

You can also:

  • Book your trip up to 7 days in advance
  • Book by 7 p.m. the day before you’d like to travel, if you’d like to be picked up for a specific time
  • Book a flexible trip up to 2 hours before when you’d like to travel

Types of trips you can book online

You can book specific and flexible trips online.

If you want to travel on a statutory holiday or the day after a statutory holiday, you must call 905-791-1015 and book by 7 p.m. the day before the statutory holiday.

To cancel your trip on a statutory holiday, call us at 905-791-1015.

If you need to schedule a cross-boundary or subscription trip, call 905-791-1015.

Booking your drop off and pick up locations

Certain addresses have designated drop off and pick up locations. If you want to be dropped off or picked up at a specific entrance, call 905-791-1015.

Booking your trip time online

6 a.m. is the earliest trip you can book online. The latest pick-up time is 11:30 p.m.

If you need to travel after midnight, call 905-791-1015.

To book your trip online:

  • Enter all of the booking details
  • Click “Book Trip”
  • Review the booking details and click “Confirm Booking” at the bottom of the page. Do not refresh the page until your trip is confirmed.

After you click “Confirm Booking” your trip will be booked and appear in the Trips Calendar.

Booking travel companions

Booking online or by phone, you can add up to 2 companions to travel with you.

For more detailed instructions for booking online, refer to how to book a trip.

Cancelling a trip online

You won’t be charged for your fare if you cancel your trip 4 hours before your pick-up window.

For more detailed instructions for canceling a trip, refer to how to cancel a trip.

After you’ve clicked “Confirm Booking” your trip will be booked and will appear in the Trips Calendar.

If you’ve booked a same-day flexible trip, a TransHelp staff member will contact you directly to confirm a pick-up time.

If you booked at least one day before the date you’d like to travel, log in to confirm your trip details on the day of your trip. The closer you check your trip details to your actual travel day and time, the more accurate the information will be.

30-minutes before your scheduled pick-up time, the Trips page will display which vehicle is on its way to get you. This way you’ll know if you’re waiting for a TransHelp bus or a vendor’s taxi.

Mobility devices

Your default mobility device will automatically be selected when you book online. If you want to use a different mobility device, call 905-791-1015.

Using the ‘Where’s My Ride?’ feature

TransHelp buses have the “Where’s my ride” tracking feature already installed. So, if your trip is scheduled on a TransHelp bus, you’ll be able to see its location in real time.

Taxis do not yet have the “Where’s my ride” tracking feature installed. If your trip is scheduled on a taxi, “Where’s my ride” will not work.

We’re working with our taxi vendors to add this feature so all passengers on all vehicles can see their rides in real-time.

The accuracy of your “Where’s My Ride” trip details depends on your network speed, browser, and operating system.

You may see a few minutes of lag between real-time events and what’s displayed on your phone.

For the best experience, please ensure:

  • You have a stable network speed from your service provider. You can test your network speed using Speedtest.
  • You’re using a Chrome or Safari browser without plugins or any additional VPN services.

TransHelp account

Update contact information, monitor account balance and transactions and cancel trips online.
