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Online booking manual

Step-by-step instructions for using the TransHelp online booking system.

Other information

To register for online booking, you’ll need:

  • Access to email and the internet.
  • A Client ID.
  • A valid email address (only 1 email address per passenger).
  • The passenger’s birthdate.

To register:

  1. On the Sign In page, click or tap Here for the first time? Register your account.
  2. Enter your Client ID and email address and select your birthdate from the drop-down.
  3. Click or tap the Enroll button.
  4. If you don’t provide your Client ID, email address, or birthday, an error message will appear asking you to provide this information.
  5. An email will be sent to the email address provided to complete the registration.
  6. Click or tap Link to complete the registration.
  7. You will be redirected to enter a password for your profile.
  8. Click or tap Complete.

The following content takes you through the steps to log on, retrieve, or change your password.

Logging on

  1. Access MyTransHelp. The Sign In dialog box will open.
  2. Type your Client ID number in the Client ID field.
  3. Type your password in the Password field.
  4. Click or tap Sign In and the Trips screen will appear.

Session timeout

Your session will automatically timeout after 30 minutes of inactivity to help protect your privacy and information.

2 minutes prior to being logged out, you’ll get a notification asking if you’d like to continue your session.

If you select continue, your session will extend another 30 minutes. If your session times out, you’ll need to login again.

Forgotten password

If you forget your password, you can have it reset.

  1. In the Sign In dialog box, click or tap the Forgot your password?. The Forgot password page will appear.
  2. Type your Client ID in the Client ID field.
  3. Type the email address associated with your account in the Email address field.
  4. Click or tap Submit.

If your Client ID and email address are in the system, you’ll receive an email with a link to reset your password.

If the system can’t find your Client ID or email, or if the Client ID and email address don’t match, an error message will appear.

Changing your password

If you know your password:

  1. Log into online booking.
  2. In the navigation pane, click or tap My Profile.
  3. Select the Modify Password check box. The password fields will appear.
  4. In the Current Password field, type your current password.
  5. In the New Password field, type your new password. Passwords must be at least 6 characters and a combination of letters and numbers.
  6. In the Confirm New Password field, type your new password again.
  7. Click or tap Update.
If you can't remember your password:
  1. Click or tap forgot password on the login page.
  2. Enter your Client ID and email address.
  3. You’ll get an email with a link to reset your password.
  4. Click or tap the Reset password link and follow the prompts.

Logging off

  1. In the navigation pane, click or tap Sign Out.
  2. The page will close and Sign in dialog box will appear.

Online booking lets you check and change information in your profile.

Through My Profile, you can change your email address and phone number.

To change your address call 905-791-1015.

The following content takes you through the steps to view or edit your profile.

  1. In the navigation pane, click or tap My Profile. The My Profile page will show your account information.
  2. To update your email, click or tap Email address and enter your new email address.
  3. To update your phone number, click or tap Phone number and enter your new phone number.
  4. Click or tap Update.
  5. A message will appear telling you your profile was updated.

TransHelp Online Booking usually opens with the Trips screen.

By default, the navigation pane is on the left, and a calendar is on the right.

To get a brief description of each icon, move your mouse over the icon.

  1. To switch between opening and closing the navigation pane, click or tap the Menu button on the top left of the Trips screen.
  2. To switch between Calendar and List view click or tap the toggle switch on the top right of the Trips screen.
  3. In the navigation pane, Client ID and Account Balance appear at the top.
  4. The Announcements bell is in the top-right corner of the calendar.
  5. Click or tap the Today’s trips button in between the toggle switch and announcement bell.
  6. To book a new trip, click or tap the Book Trip button in the bottom-right corner of the calendar.

Each trip in the calendar is marked by a dot. Refer to the following chart to learn what each dot means:

Type of dot Meaning Explanation
Green dot with S Green circle with a capital S in the center. Scheduled Trip has been successfully booked and scheduled
Gold dot with U Gold circle with the letter U inside. Unscheduled Trip has been successfully booked but has not yet been scheduled
Grey dot with NS Grey circle with letters N and S inside. No show Passenger was not present when the vehicle arrived at the scheduled pick-up time
Pink dot with A Pink circle with an A inside. Arrived The vehicle has arrived at the pick-up location
Red dot with a CA Red circle with the letters C and A inside. Cancelled Trip was cancelled
Blue dot Blue circle Pending Trip has been successfully booked but has not yet been scheduled
Black dot Black circle with the letter P inside. Performed Trip has been completed
Yellow dot with NM Yellow circle with the letters N and M inside. Missed trip Vehicle arrived later than the pick-up window and did not transport the passenger

A trip has 2 parts: a pickup and a drop off.

One-way trips

A one-way trip is when you’re picked up and dropped off at only 1 destination.

Return trips

After you book a trip, you have the option to book a return trip.

Casual trips

Casual trips are trips that you don’t regularly make. You can repeat a previous booking on a new day and time.

The online booking system automatically copies details (such as the origin and destination) from previous trips and then applies them to the new booking. The last 10 previously booked trips will be available to you to choose from.

Subscription trips are not yet available for online booking, but you can view existing subscription trips in the online booking Trips screen.

To book a subscription trip, call 905-791-1015.

How to book a trip

Required information for booking online

To book a trip online, have all of this information on hand:

  • Pickup details
  • Drop off details
  • Trip date
  • Trip time of day
  • Why you’re booking the trip (booking purpose)
  • Additional passengers (if you’ll be travelling with another person).

The default mobility device in the passenger profile will be added automatically to the trip. If you need to change your default mobility device, call 905-791-1015.

Steps to booking a trip

The following content takes you through the steps to book a trip.

  1. In the navigation pane, click or tap Book Trip. Or, in the Trips screen, click or tap the Book Trip button: Dark blue circle with a + sign in the bottom-right corner of the calendar.
  2. The Book Trip screen appears.
  3. The Book again (optional) drop-down will list the last 10 trips taken. The pickup and drop off details will automatically appear.

    Pickup and drop off details
    The favourite addresses you added to your profile will automatically appear in the drop-down list. Up to 8 addresses can be added to your profile.

    Adding an address
    To add to your favourite addresses, you can call 905-791-1015 or email We monitor this email account during regular business hours: Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.

    If we receive your email during business hours, we’ll complete your request within 24 hours and send you a confirmation email. If we receive your email outside of business hours, we’ll add the new address the following business day and send you a confirmation email.

    Email guidelines for adding an address

    1. Put “Add address” in your email subject line.
    2. Include this information in your email message:
      • Your TransHelp Client ID.
      • The full address of the location you would like added to your online booking account. This includes the address number, street name, city or town and postal code.
      • Any address you would like us to remove. You can have up to 8 locations on your account. If adding a new location means your total number of addresses will be more than 8, tell us which address you'd like us to remove.
  4. Date and time
    • Choose the date and time for your trip.
    • You can book up to 7 days ahead. Same-day flexible trips rules apply.
    • The earliest time to book is 6 a.m. The latest time to book is 11:30 p.m.
    • Choose a time for your trip. Times are in 15 minute intervals.
    • For same-day, the earliest time to book will be 2 hours after the current time.
    • To book a trip after midnight, call 905-791-1015.
    • If you have any existing trips on the day, these trips will be listed in the same pane.
  5. Booking purpose
    Please choose the booking purpose of your trip from the drop-down list.
  6. Additional passengers
    This field is optional.

    If you would like to bring a companion on the trip, choose Companion on the drop-down list and add their mobility device.

    Passengers with Mandatory Support Person or Occasional Support Person in their profile will be added automatically on the trip. (See Confirm Booking screen.)

  7. Click or tap the Book Trip button

    If some required information is missing, a message will ask you to provide it.

    Complete the information and click or tap Book Trip again. If the booking is complete, the Confirm Booking screen will display a summary of your trip details.

  8. In the Confirm Booking screen, review your trip details and click or tap the Confirm Booking button. Or you can click or tap the Modify Booking button to change the trip details.
  9. A Booking confirmation screen will appear. Your booking ID will be provided as well as options to book a return trip, book another trip, check trip details and view trips.
Book Return Trip
Book Return Trip will take you back to the Trip Booking screen. Here the pickup and drop off details will be switched and you can choose a time (please have a minimum of 2 hours for your return trip time).
Book Another Trip
Book Another Trip will take you back to the Trip Booking screen. All fields will be blank and you will need to re-enter all required information.
Trip Details
Trip Details will display the details of the trip you booked.
View Trips
View Trips will take you back to the Trips screen (Calendar or List view).

If you no longer want to travel, cancel your trip 4 hours before the start of your pick-up window.

The fare will be deducted from your account if you do not cancel 4 hours before the start of your pick-up window.

Trips can only be cancelled. They cannot be deleted.

The following content takes you through the steps to cancel a trip.

  1. In the Trips screen, click or tap the trip you want to cancel on a specific date.
  2. The Trip Details screen will appear.
  3. Click or tap the Cancel button: Dark blue rectangle with cancel written inside.
  4. A message will appear to confirm the cancellation.
    1. Click or tap Yes to continue cancelling the trip. If the trip is cancelled successfully, a “cancelled successfully” message will show.
    2. The trip will stay in the calendar now displayed with the Cancelled status icon.
  5. If the system can’t cancel the trip, a message will appear advising you to call 905-791-1015.

    Subscription trips

    You cannot book a new subscription trip online. Call 905-791-1015 to book your subscription trips.

    You’ll see your existing subscription trips in the Trips screen. You can use online booking to cancel any current subscription trips.

    Steps to checking your current subscription trips

    The following content takes you through the steps to check details of your existing subscription trips.

    1. In the navigation pane, click or tap Subscription Trips
    2. Existing subscription trips will be displayed in this screen. If you do not have any subscription trips, this screen will be empty.

    Steps to cancelling your current Subscription trips

    The following content takes you through the steps to cancel an existing subscription trip.

    1. In Subscription Trips screen, click or tap any subscription trips you would like to cancel.
    2. Click or tap the Cancel button.
    3. Enter a Cancellation Reason then click or tap Yes.

      A message will appear stating the trip has been successfully cancelled, and the cancelled subscription trip will disappear from the Subscription Trips screen.

Announcements typically communicate information about TransHelp-related events such as fare increases, holiday messages, or extreme weather alerts.

The following content explains 2 different ways to check announcements.

Option 1

In the navigation pane, click or tap Announcements.

Option 2

On the Trips screen in the ribbon above the calendar, click or tap the Announcements bell icon and the Announcements page will appear.

The Feedback screen on the navigation pane lets you submit feedback such as complaints, suggestions, and commendations.

The following content takes you through the steps to submitting feedback.

  1. In the navigation pane, click or tap Feedback. The feedback window will open.
  2. Contact info fields are automatically populated with your client information.
  3. Enter the details under Describe what happened.
  4. Click or tap the Submit button.

TransHelp account

Update contact information, monitor account balance and transactions and cancel trips online.
