A by-law to amend the Region of Peel Procedure By-law 27-2022, as amended, being a by-law to govern the calling, place and proceedings of the meetings of Council and its committees and the conduct of its members.
Whereas, the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, section 238 provides that a municipality shall establish a procedure by-law to govern meetings;
And whereas, the Council of The Corporation of the Regional Municipality of Peel has enacted Procedure By-law 27-2022;
And whereas, the Council of the Regional Corporation has by resolution passed on the 7th day of December 2023 authorized the enactment of the by-law herein to amend By-law 27-2022;
Now therefore, the Council of the Regional Corporation enacts as follows:
1.2.8 “Council Section” means the portion of the agenda under which reports and correspondence are grouped and shall include but not necessarily be limited to Health, Human Services, Corporate and Legislative Services, Public Works, and Planning and Growth Management but shall not include those matters considered In Camera.
5.1.9 No matter can be added at a meeting except for Notices of Motion to be heard at the next or subsequent meetings, a motion of sympathy, or directions to staff to provide a report at a subsequent or future meetings of Council, except that a motion arising from a local municipal council of an urgent nature, and a motion for sympathy may be presented to Regional Council or committee and may be received without notice.
Read three times And passed in open Council this this 7 th day of December, 2023.
A. Adams
Regional Clerk
N. Iannicca
Regional Chair