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The Regional Municipality of Peel
By-law number 12-2017

A by-law to adopt Amendment Number 27 to the Region of Peel Official Plan in order to revise and add policies in respect of health and the built environment, age-friendly planning, and technical and administrative updates.

Whereas, in accordance with Sections 17 and 26 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13, as amended, Council may adopt an Official Plan or amendments thereto;

And whereas, by resolution passed on the 23rd day of February, 2017, the Council of The Regional Municipality of Peel authorized the adoption of Regional Official Plan Amendment Number 27, which is an amendment to the Region of Peel Official Plan to revise and add policies in respect of health and the built environment, age-friendly planning, and technical and administrative updates;

And whereas, the Region of Peel Official Plan, as revised by Amendment Number 27 and as it pertains to Amendment Number 27, meets the requirements of section 26(1)(a), (b) and (c) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13, as amended;

Now therefore, the Council of The Regional Municipality of Peel enacts as follows:

  1. That Schedule A, attached hereto and forming part of this by-law constitutes and is hereby adopted as Regional Official Plan Amendment Number 27.

Read three times and finally passed in open Council this 23rd day of February, 2020.

K. Lockyer
Regional Clerk

F. Dale
Regional Chair

Schedule A By-law 12-2017

Region of Peel

Regional Official Plan

Regional Official Plan Amendment Number 27

Health and the Built Environment, Age-Friendly Planning, and Technical and Administrative Updates Policies

The constitutional statement

Part A, the preamble, does not constitute part of this amendment

Part B, the amendment, consisting of amendment to the text of the region of peel, constitutes amendment number 27 to the region of peel official plan.

Part A – The preamble

1. Purpose of the Amendment

To revise and add policies in the Regional Official Plan (Official Plan) for the purposes of conformity to Provincial initiatives and progress on planning issues affecting the Region such as health and the built environment, age-friendly planning, and technical and administrative updates.

2. Location

This Amendment applies throughout the Regional Municipality of Peel.

3. Basis

Regional Official Plan
The Official Plan was initially adopted by Council on July 11, 1996 and approved with modifications by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing on October 22, 1996. The Official Plan was subsequently reviewed through the Regional Official Plan Strategic Update (ROPSU) process that was initiated in 2002, as a scoped review of the Official Plan. This scoped review included three major amendments to the Official Plan related to regional forecasts and structure – Regional Official Plan Amendment (ROPA) 8 (updated population and employment forecasts reflecting the 2001 Census), ROPA 15 (North West Brampton urban boundary expansion), and ROPA Amendment 17 (established the 2021 Mayfield West Rural Service Centre Boundary). The next major updates were introduced to the Official Plan through the Peel Regional Official Plan Review (PROPR) that consisted of six amendments including ROPA: 21A, 21B, 22, 23, 24 and 25. The PROPR process brought the Official Plan into conformity with relevant legislation, plans and policies including the Provincial Policy Statement, 2005 (PPS), the Greenbelt Plan (2005) and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006 (Growth Plan). Finally, ROPA 26 introduced policies that were supplemental to those established by the PROPR process. The 1996 Official Plan, as amended by the above-noted amendments, constitutes the current version of the Official Plan pertaining to growth management and regional forecasts.

Peel 2041 Regional Official Plan Review and ROPA 27
In accordance with the endorsed work program, the Peel 2041 Regional Official Plan Review (Peel 2041) is being completed through several policy review projects that will result in ROPAs. These amendments will bring the Official Plan into conformity with provisions of Amendment 2 to the Growth Plan, the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) 2014, Affordable Housing Act, 2011 (Bill 140), Smart Growth for Our Communities Act, 2015 (Bill 73), and other Provincial policy initiatives.

Peel 2041 will also address Bill 7 Promoting Affordable Housing Act, 2016 the current coordinated review of Provincial land use plans – Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Greenbelt Plan, Niagara Escarpment Plan, and Oak Ridges Moraine Plan. These updated Provincial land use plans are currently in draft form and once the plans are finalized, staff will address the changes in subsequent ROPAs of Peel 2041 in 2017 and 2018.

ROPA 27 is the first amendment of Peel 2041.

Healthy and age-friendly built environments contribute to active and healthy communities. An integrated approach to address these issues helps advance the implementation of the Term of Council Priority (ToCP) - Promote Healthy and Age-Friendly Built Environments and longer twenty year outcomes in the Strategic Plan where we live in a community 1) that promotes mobility, walkability and various modes of transportation and 2) and where the built environment promotes healthy living.

ROPA 27 introduces new and updated policy areas such as health and the built environment, age-friendly planning, and technical and administrative updates. The built environment and age-friendly communities are elements that contribute to active and healthy communities. The Region has a prominent role in advancing these elements that have inter-relationships that inform each other's plans and actions. An integrated approach to address these issues is needed to inform the implementation of the ToCP - Promote Healthy and Age-Friendly Built Environments. The PPS 2014 includes updated policies to support active and healthy communities by building on existing policies on public spaces to include community connectivity and providing for trails and linkages. Also, Smart Growth for Our Communities Act, 2015 (Bill 73) adds language to the Planning Act on promoting built-form as a matter of Provincial interest for municipalities to have regard to. Proposed ROPA 27 helps implement these planning goals and objectives while advancing Regional planning interests.

Through the policy review projects, revisions to the Plan's text are being proposed to ensure that the Official Plan is up-to-date, conforms to provincial policy requirements and addresses the Strategic Plan and Term of Council Priorities.

Health and the Built Environment
Regional Council has identified several Strategic Objectives from the Strategic Plan for the built environment that promotes healthy living and walkability. To support the Region's efforts in promoting healthy living and walkability the PPS 2014 includes new policies in section 1.5 Public Spaces, Recreation, Parks, Trails and Open Space to promote healthy and active communities by planning public streets, spaces and facilities to facilitate active transportation and community connectivity. Further additions to the PPS 2014 include planning and providing for equitable distribution of publicly-accessible built and natural settings for trails and linkages. The Smart Growth for Our Communities Act, 2015 (Bill 73) adds language to the Planning Act on promoting built-form as a matter of Provincial interest. The built-form is to be well-designed, encourages a sense of place, and provides for public places that are of high quality, safe, accessible, attractive and vibrant. The draft policies on health and the built environment aim to increase the application of health-based criteria into the land-use planning process across the Region.

To achieve this objective, the principles of the policies approved through ROPA 24 and 25 have been expanded upon and strengthened through ROPA 27. ROPA 24 and 25 introduced the need for health assessment tools and raised awareness of health impacts linked to the built environment. The policies in ROPA 27 will enable the Healthy Development Framework to be implemented at the Regional level and with the local municipalities by requiring a health assessment to be completed as part of a complete application for planning and development proposals. In addition, the Region and local municipalities will have to conduct a health assessment on Regional or municipal buildings, public squares and open space projects. The proposed policies will ensure municipal councils are informed of the health impact of development and support the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the health impacts of development at the Regional and municipal levels.

The Healthy Development Framework which is contained in the Healthy Development Assessment User Guide will be brought forwarded to be requested for approval by Regional Council at the same time as when ROPA 27 is recommended for adoption.

The policies enable the creation of healthier communities through improving the built environment by optimizing the health promoting potential, namely through active transportation.

Age-friendly Planning
Seniors (individuals aged 65 and older), are the fastest growing age group in Peel and across Canada. The strongest impact of this change will be experienced over the next several decades, as the 'baby boomer' population ages. Issues such as aging within the same community, establishing complete/walkable communities, and accessibility are important to meeting the needs of seniors. The Term of Council Priority on promoting healthy and age-friendly built environments is supported by Peel 2041 and will introduce policies that support the establishment of age-friendly communities.

Peel 2041 presents an opportunity for the Region to respond to: Peel's Aging Population Steering Committee's recommendation in 2014 to incorporate age-friendly planning policies in the Official Plan, senior level governmental initiatives including the Province's "Action Plan for Seniors", address the needs of an increasing seniors population in our communities, and build on the existing policy framework.

The Age-friendly Planning discussion paper has identified strengths and opportunities to advance the development of age-friendly communities and is proposed as part of ROPA 27. The discussion paper has identified opportunities for the local municipalities to develop official plan policies to support seniors to age in place. Universal accessibility design in the built form can be encouraged to create a safe, barrier-free and more inclusive environment. The Healthy Development Framework is required to be implemented by the local municipalities to ensure active and healthy aging in Peel. Also, there should be an assessment of the built environment in neighborhoods to support universal accessibility.

Technical and Administrative Updates
In order to improve clarity, address errors, omissions, inconsistencies in the text and in the schedules and figures that are currently in effect, a policy will be implemented through ROPA 27 that does not affect the intent of existing policies.

Currently, an official plan amendment is required to address revisions such as italicizing certain references to reflect those defined in the Glossary; correcting references that have been incorrectly italicized; bolding or removing the bolding of titles; minor revisions to maintain consistency; and a number of typographical errors. Such proposed modifications do not in any way change the intent of any of the approved policies, schedules and figures in the Official Plan, and do not propose modifications to those amendments to the Official Plan that are before the Ontario Municipal Board.

The new policy will allow for such revisions to be made through the preparation of an office consolidation of the Plan without undertaking a formal official plan amendment process. This approach is similar to other municipal official plans and will improve clarity and accuracy of the Official Plan.

Other revisions consist of updates to the Official Plan reflecting current planning administration in Peel, and to improve and clarify the understanding of existing policies. For example, approving plans of subdivision, plans of condominium, and local official plan amendments that conform to the Regional Official Plan have been delegated to the local municipalities.

Further revisions include updating terminology in several policies areas. For example the term Long Term Waste Resource Management Strategy has changed to Waste Reduction and Resource Recovery Strategy in 2012 to reflect specifically how waste is to be managed.

Part B – The amendment

All of the Amendment entitled Part B – The Amendment, consisting of the attached text constitutes Regional Official Plan Amendment 27 to the Region of Peel Official Plan.

a. Amendments to Text – Health and the Built Environment


Chapter 5, Regional Structure, section is amended by deleting it and renumbering the existing sections and

" Healthy Communities and the Built Environment

The Region of Peel is committed to creating healthy communities. A healthy community includes, but is not limited to, pedestrian-friendly and transit-supportive infrastructure that enables and encourages physical activity through active transportation. Active transportation is greatly impacted by the following interconnected elements of the built environment: Density, Service Proximity, Land Use Mix, Street Connectivity, Streetscape Characteristics, and Parking. Standards for these elements are further defined in the Health Background Study Framework. In partnership, the Region and area municipalities will:

  • Incorporate health considerations into the planning and development review processes through the integration of the Health Background Study Framework elements and subsequent health assessments.
  • Develop and apply the Health Background Study Framework implementation plan to operationalize in the local context.
  • Create built environments that facilitate physical activity and optimize the health promoting potential of communities."


Glossary is amended by deleting the following:
"Health Assessment: screening criteria to assess how development applications achieve healthy community design elements, as per the Health Background Study Framework.

Health Background Study Framework: a tool for municipalities to integrate considerations of health impacts into the land use development approvals process."


Chapter 7, Implementation, Section is amended by replacing "public health impact studies" with "health assessment, in accordance with the Healthy Development Framework" and alphabetically organizing the list of studies and reports that may be required as part of a complete application.

"Require the following studies, reports and documents when determining if an application to amend the Regional Official Plan is complete:

  • a completed Regional Official Plan Amendment application;
  • the current application fee;
  • a draft of the proposed amendment, including the proposed text and all proposed schedules;
  • at least one pre-consultation meeting to determine the required studies, reports and documents; and
  • other studies, reports and documents as required through the pre-consultation meeting or meetings.

The following list includes studies that may be required to evaluate an application to amend the Regional Official Plan:

  • public health impact studies health assessment, in accordance with the Healthy Development Framework;



Chapter 7, Implementation, is amended by inserting the following new Section 7.4 entitled "Healthy Communities and the Built Environment" with the following preamble, objectives and policies; and renumbering the existing Section 7.4 Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design as 7.5, the existing Section 7.5 Emergency Measures as 7.6; the existing Section 7.6 Regional Planning Initiatives as 7.7; the existing Section 7.7 Regional Road Widening as 7.8; the existing Section 7.8 Regional Finances as 7.9 and the existing Section 7.9 Performance Measurement, Review and Updating as 7.10:

"7.4 Healthy Communities and the Built Environment

The Region of Peel is committed to creating pedestrian, cyclist and transit supportive infrastructure, which are key components of a healthy community. This commitment is supported through this Plan including Section 5.9.5 The Inter and Intra-Regional Transit Network, 5.9.10 Active Transportation, and all other relevant policies. The outcomes of a healthy community are increased rates of active transportation, improved air quality and greater social connectivity. Resources to support the planning of healthy communities will include Provincial guidelines and other relevant documents.

Healthy communities are impacted by the following interconnected elements of the built environment: Density, Service Proximity, Land Use Mix, Street Connectivity, Streetscape Characteristics, and Efficient Parking. Health assessments take such elements into consideration when determining the health promoting potential of a community.

Health assessments will be incorporated into the development and review process. To achieve this, the Region will partner with area municipalities and engage development stakeholders to:

  • Identify appropriate health assessment tools
  • Operationalize the implementation of such tools, including relevance assessments
  • Monitor, evaluate and report on assessment results



To create built environments that facilitate physical activity and optimize the health promoting potential of communities.



It is the policy of Regional Council to:

Approve the Healthy Development Framework, which supports the implementation of the policies in this plan, Section 7.4. This Framework contains the Region's Healthy Development Assessment tool and identifies health assessment tools that were developed by the area municipalities to address their specific development contexts; in consultation with the Region.

Direct the area municipalities to incorporate policies in their official plans that endorse and align with the Healthy Development Framework, in consultation with the Region.

Ensure the Region integrates the elements as defined in the Healthy Development Framework into its policies, plans, standards and design guidelines to optimize their health promoting potential.

Direct the area municipalities to integrate the elements as defined by the Healthy Development Framework into their policies, plans, standards, and design guidelines to optimize their health promoting potential.

Direct the area municipalities to incorporate a policy in their respective official plans to require a health assessment, in accordance with the Healthy Development Framework, as part of a complete application for planning and development proposals. The area municipalities should require proposals to address the results of the health assessment by working towards achieving minimum requirements and to contribute to healthy communities.

Require a health assessment, in accordance with the Healthy Development Framework, to be completed to the satisfaction of the area municipalities for planning and development proposals and that results are reported to local council in consultation with the Region.

Require Regional and area municipal staff to conduct health assessments in accordance with the Healthy Development Framework on Regionally or municipally developed, owned and operated public buildings, public squares and open space project applications.

Work with the area municipalities to assess the community health and wellbeing of developed areas to inform development, policies, strategies and/or studies, that will ensure communities are age-friendly, walkable, provide access to transit services where such services exist or are planned, and contain a mix of housing options."


Chapter 7, Implementation, section is amended by deleting it:

"Prepare, jointly with the area municipalities, an assessment tool that will allow evaluating the public health impacts of proposed plans or development as part of the approval process."

And replacing it with the following:

"Monitor, jointly with the area municipalities the application of the Healthy Development Framework for Regional and area municipal policies, plans, standards, and design guidelines; and applications for planning and development proposals to determine its effectiveness in contributing to healthy communities."


Glossary is amended by inserting the following new addition:

"Healthy Development Framework: A collection of local context-specific tools that assess the health promoting potential of neighbourhoods. The tools are used to evaluate and pre-emptively mitigate potential health impacts associated with a development proposal. Each tool focuses on the Core Elements that influence the health of a community: Density, Service Proximity, Land Use Mix, Street Connectivity, Streetscape Characteristics and Efficient Parking. This framework contains the Region's tool and the related area municipal assessment tools, adapted to the satisfaction of the Region."

b. Amendments to Text – Age-friendly Planning


Chapter 6, Regional Services, is amended by inserting the following new Section 6.3 entitled "Age-friendly Planning" with the following introductory text, objectives and policies; and by renumbering the existing Section 6.3 Water and Water Services as 6.4 and existing Section 6.4 Waste Management as 6.5:

6.3 Age-Friendly Planning

Peel Region's demographic profile will change substantially in the coming years with the seniors population defined as those aged 65 and older doubling in size by 2031. While demographic changes in Peel are already being experienced, the strongest impacts will be felt over the next several decades as the baby boom population ages. It is important that the Region and the area municipalities plan, prepare and adapt our programs and services to meet the needs of the growing and changing senior population.

The increase in the senior population will impact the planning and delivery of Regional and area municipal services including affordable housing, accessible transportation, recreation, physical infrastructure and community health. The Region and the area municipalities recognize the challenges and opportunities posed by an aging population and will better plan for age-friendly communities that enable residents to age actively through supportive policies, services and infrastructure.

The Region of Peel supports the planning of age-friendly communities and will work collaboratively with the area municipalities to work towards this outcome. This includes providing access to a range of housing options that are affordable, transit that is accessible and the use of universal accessibility design in the physical environment.

Resources to support the planning of age-friendly communities will include Provincial Guidelines and other relevant documents. The vision is to plan for more age-friendly communities throughout Peel Region where seniors have access to supports that enable them to age safely and with dignity, while maximizing their quality of life.



To recognize the diversity of Peel's aging population in terms of age, ability, gender, ethnicity, support needs, and income.

To provide for the needs of Peel's aging population and allow opportunities for seniors to age within their community including the integration of community facilities and services with residential land uses.

To promote the use of universal accessibility design in Peel Region's built environment to enhance safety, mobility, and independence of seniors.

To promote active aging for older adults by establishing healthy, complete, and accessible communities that are in close proximity to amenities, support services, and transit.



It is the policy of Regional Council to:

Encourage the area municipalities to develop policies in their official plans to support seniors to age within their communities, as provided for in the objectives of the Urban and Rural System sections of this Plan including the integration of community facilities and services with residential land uses.

Encourage the use of universal accessibility design in the built environment to create a safe, barrier-free, and more inclusive environment that will enhance the mobility and independence of all residents including seniors.

In accordance with policies in section 7.4 of this Plan, require the area municipalities to implement the Healthy Development Framework to support independent, active and healthy aging for all residents in Peel by creating healthy, walkable communities close to amenities, green spaces, programs and services.

Work with the area municipalities to assess supporting services and the built environment in neighbourhoods where there is a predominance of seniors to identify gaps with respect to universal accessibility and opportunities to better support Peel residents.

In accordance with policies in section 5.8 of this Plan, encourage the area municipalities to develop Official Plan policies to increase the supply of affordable, accessible, adequate and appropriate housing of all types, sizes, densities and tenures, to support seniors to age within their community."


Glossary is amended by inserting the following new addition:

"Active Aging: the process of optimizing opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age."

b. Amendments to Text – Technical and Administrative Updates


Chapter 1, Introduction, Section 1.3.3, paragraph two is amended by deleting the second sentence:

"Except as expressly noted in Policies and, any changes, additions, or deletions to these elements will require an amendment to this Plan."

and replacing it with the following:

"Except as expressly noted in Policies,, and; any changes, additions, or deletions to these elements will require an amendment to this Plan."


Chapter 6.2, Regional Human Services, the second paragraph is amended by replacing "ambulance" with "paramedic services".

"The Region is responsible for planning, delivering and/or contributing to the funding of a wide range of human services, including health services, social services, housing, ambulance paramedic services and emergency programs and police."


Chapter 6, Regional Services, Section is amended by inserting "and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act" at the end of the policy.

"Encourage the area municipalities to develop appropriate accessibility policies and regulations in their Official Plans, Zoning By-laws, Urban Design Guidelines, and Site Plan Manuals, in accordance with the Ontarians with Disabilities Act and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act."


Chapter 6, Regional Services, Section is amended by replacing "Prepare a" with "Review the" and delete "and review the plan".

"Prepare a Review the Regional Accessibility Plan and review the plan, as required by the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, and make the plan available to the public."


Chapter 6, Regional Services, Section 6.4 (renumbered to 6.5 as a result of new section 6.3 Age-Friendly Planning) is amended by deleting "incineration" and replacing "Long Term Waste Resource Management Strategy" with "Waste Reduction and Resource Recovery Strategy".

"The municipal waste generated in Peel is managed by means of reuse, recycling, composting, incineration and landfill. In keeping with the sustainability theme of this Plan (environmental, social, economic, and cultural imperatives) the Region promotes reductions in material consumption and waste generation, and the recognition of waste as a valuable resource that, if fully utilized, can have minimal negative impacts on the environment. The Region will continue to focus on reduction, reuse, and recycling programs (3Rs), examine and implement waste management alternatives that recover resources from the residual waste stream, explore the resource potential of waste, strive for a cost-effective waste management system, and recognize waste as a valuable source of alternative energy. Waste will be managed so as to minimize environmental impacts and emphasize the responsibility of waste generators to reduce the amount and type of waste generated and bear the costs of collection and management.

The Region is responsible for waste management in Peel and is committed to maintaining the Long Term Waste Resource Management Strategy Waste Reduction and Resource Recovery Strategy to appropriately plan for and accommodate the present and future needs of citizens and businesses."


Chapter 6, Regional Services, Section (renumbered to as a result of new section 6.3 Age-Friendly Planning) is amended by replacing "Long Term Waste Resource Management Strategy" with "Waste Reduction and Resource Recovery Strategy".

"Maintain, in cooperation with the area municipalities, the Long Term Waste Resource Management Strategy Waste Reduction and Resource Recovery Strategy to achieve the waste management objectives by focusing on reduction, reuse, and recycling programs, and recovering resources of residual waste prior to landfill."


Chapter 6, Regional Services, Section (renumbered to as a result of new section 6.3 Age-Friendly Planning) is amended by deleting "composting".

"Actively encourage, promote and support the efforts of government, the area municipalities the private sector and the general public which reduce waste, or emphasize reuse, recycling, (3Rs), composting source separated organics processing and other minimization options including extended producer responsibility."


Chapter 6, Regional Services, Section (renumbered to as a result of new section 6.3 Age-Friendly Planning) is amended by replacing "Ministry of Environment's" with "Ministry of Environment and Climate Change's".

"The Region and the area municipalities will consult with the Ministry of Environment's Ministry of Environment and Climate Change's Renewable Energy Approvals Section regarding possible Renewable Energy Approval requirements prior to the expansion of an existing, or the development of a new, waste management facility that produces energy from renewable sources."


Chapter 6, Regional Services, Section (renumbered to as a result of new section 6.3 Age-Friendly Planning) is amended by adding "and Climate Change" after "Ministry of Environment".

"View the use of land for landfill during the operational life of the site as an interim land use, until such time the landfill is deemed by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change and Regional Council to be closed and the land is suitable for other uses."


Chapter 7, Implementation, Section is amended by inserting "and" after "Policy":

"Any changes to the text, tables, schedules and glossary, except as expressly noted in Policy and, will require an amendment to this Plan."


Chapter 7, Implementation, is amended by inserting new Section

"An update to this Plan to correct minor errors shall be permitted without an official plan amendment, provided that the purpose, effect, intent, meaning and substance of the Plan are in no way affected. The Region is permitted to make the following revisions without the need for a Regional Official Plan amendment:

  1. changing the numbering, cross referencing, and arrangement of the text, Tables, Schedules, Figures, associated captions, or appendices;
  2. revising or updating the base map information in Schedules and Figures;
  3. altering punctuation or language for consistency;
  4. correcting clerical, grammatical, typographical or technical mapping errors; and
  5. adding explanatory or descriptive text, sidebars and images which are included for information purposes to assist users."


Chapter 7, Implementation, Section is amended by deleting it:

"Support, during the transition period in which area municipal official plans are brought into conformity with this Plan, those development proposals, official plan and zoning by- law amendments that are in general conformity with the objectives and policies in this Plan."

and replacing it with the following:

"Support those development proposals, official plan and zoning by-law amendments that are in conformity with the objectives and policies in this Plan."


Chapter 7, Implementation, Section 7.3.3 is amended by replacing "On approval of this Plan by the Province, the" with "The".

"On approval of this Plan by the Province, the The Planning Act requires that the official plans of the area municipalities be amended to conform with this Plan."


Chapter 7, Implementation, Section is amended by deleting it:

"It is the policy of Regional Council to require that the area municipal official plans be amended to conform with this Plan forthwith after the approval of this Plan, in part or in whole, by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing."

and replacing it with the following:

"It is the policy of Regional Council to require that the area municipal official plans conform with this Plan and amendments thereto."


Chapter 7, Implementation, Section 7.3.4 is amended by deleting it:

"The Region of Peel has been assigned by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing powers of approval for area municipal official plans and amendments, plans of subdivision and condominium, and land severances, and has been delegated the Minister's approval authority for part lot control by-laws and road closing by-laws."

and replacing it with the following:

"The Region of Peel has been assigned by the Minister of Municipal Affairs powers of approval for area municipal official plans and amendments. The power to approve plans of subdivision and condominium, land severances, and local official plan amendments that conform with the Regional Official Plan have been delegated to the area municipalities, as well as authority for part lot control by-laws and road closing by-laws."


Chapter 7, Implementation, Section 7.5 Emergency Measures is amended by replacing "Emergency Measures" with "Emergency Management".

"7.5 Emergency Measures Regional Emergency Management"


Chapter 7, Implementation, Section 7.5 is amended by deleting it:

"The Region of Peel is responsible for the Regional Emergency Measures Plan which must be coordinated with all regional and municipal emergency plans to ensure consistency of content and application."

and replacing it with the following:

"The Region of Peel is responsible for the Region of Peel Emergency Plan which must be coordinated with all regional, municipal and provincial emergency plans to ensure consistency of content and application."


Chapter 7, Implementation, Section is amended by replacing "Regional Emergency Measures Plan and Program" with "Region of Peel Emergency Plan and Regional Emergency Management Program" and by adding "and provincial authorities" after "and coordinate such efforts with the area municipalities and emergency response agencies".

"Maintain a Regional Emergency Measures Plan and Program Region of Peel Emergency Plan and Regional Emergency Management Program which ensures the provision and coordination of necessary services in the event of a major emergency or disaster, and coordinate such efforts with the area municipalities and emergency response agencies and provincial authorities."


Chapter 7, Implementation, Section is amended by adding "compliance and" after "Foster" and replace "measures" with "management".

"Foster compliance and consistency with the requirements of Provincial and Federal legislation regarding emergency measures management."