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How to help your little ones when they are sick

Advice for parents and caregivers this cold and flu season.

We know having a sick child at home can be scary. Here are some tips to help get through this winter.

Before heading to the emergency room, try booking an appointment with your family doctor or at your local COVID, Cold and Flu Clinics for non-emergency situations.

Take your child to an emergency room if they are experiencing severe symptoms, such as difficulty breathing. If you’re unsure if you need to take your child to the emergency room, you can:

If you need help managing symptoms at home, access these fever and cough resources for parents.

We know that finding fever-reducing medicine can be stressful these days, so if your local pharmacy shelves don't have what you're looking for, you can call a compounding pharmacy, which can make medication for your child. Find a compounding pharmacy near you.

Continue to practice protective measures, this includes: