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Peel Region

Winter road safety is a top priority

Lets work together to keep roads clear and safe

We’re ready around-the-clock to clear roads of snow and ice and to ensure safe driving conditions.

How we help you stay safe

We clear and maintain 1666 kilometres of Regional roads. Most of these roads have high volumes of traffic and generally have higher driving speeds than local roads.

When temperatures start dropping, our anti-icing trucks start applying ‘brine’, a water and salt mix, on dry roads and bridges.

Brine helps to stop ice from forming. Using brine also means we use less road salt which helps protect the environment.

We also prepare for winter by:

Ways you can help us

Ways to stay safe

Learn more and stay connected

We work with Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga to coordinate winter road clearing activities. This partnership ensures timely, effective services along all Peel roads.

For more information on local and residential streets, sidewalks and trails, visit: