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Peel Region

These updates are from 2019. Due to COVID-19, updates have been paused.


Land Use Planning

We guide the Region's development and enhance our residents' quality of life in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way.

We are involving our stakeholders to ensure planning priorities reflect community needs and visions for growth.

Service outcome

Communities in Peel are complete and sustainable for residents and businesses.

2018 performance and trending data

Source: Issued municipal building permits; Hemson Consulting, Sc. 16 (forecast) (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018).

 Average Annual Forecasted Growth
Row 1,800
Single-Semi 2,900
Apartment 2,000
Other N/A

The Region is expected to grow by an average of 6,700 residential housing units per year to accommodate the forecasted number of new residents coming to Peel. Over the last 5 years, Peel Region has experienced average annual residential housing growth of 6,200 units per year, tracking slightly below the forecast. Ensuring residential growth is occurring as forecasted contributes to efficient infrastructure and development finance planning at the Region.

How are we working to get back on track?

At 95% of the target, construction of new residential units is within the range of annual fluctuation expected and slightly above the 5 year historical average.

Source: CMHC Rental Market Report; issued municipal second unit building permits. Annual target based on Peel Housing and Homelessness Plan and issued municipal building permits (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018).

 Annual Target
2015 2,000
2016 1,900
2017 900
2018 1,600

As part of planning for housing growth, the Region also monitors the amount of rental housing being added each year. Planning for a variety of housing types and tenure helps to provide new and existing Peel residents with options for where to live.

How are we working to get back on track?

Market conditions and the state of public funding for mechanisms have led to a continue a decades-long trend that has been unfavourable for rental development. Peel is implementing the 2018 Peel Housing and Homelessness Plan with strategies that specifically target new rental unit supply.

Source: Issued municipal building permits; Peel policy areas mapping (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018).

In the current Regional Official Plan, the intensification target to the year 2025 (inclusive) is 40%. This means that on average, across the Region of Peel, 40% of all new housing development in the Region should take place in the built-up area. Over the past 12 years, the Region has achieved a cumulative intensification rate of 41%.

* The cumulative intensification rate refers to the overall rate of intensification as added up over time. The annual intensification rate refers to the amount of intensification in a given year. While the Provincial policy and the Regional Official Plan includes an annual intensification target of 40%, the cumulative rate provides a more complete picture of the Regions achievement of this target, as residential development is susceptible to market fluctuations and other policy impacts across years.

 Average Annual Forecasted Growth (GFA, m2)
Industrial GFA (m2) 387,000
Commercial GFA (m2) 103,000
Major Office* GFA (m2) 42,000
Institutional GFA (m2) 112,000

Major Office includes office development over 1860 m2; definition used for forecasting purposes.

Source: Hemson Scenario 16, Municipal Building Permits (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018).

Development for employment uses continues to experience slower growth in Peel, in particular Major Office due to the dominance of the City of Toronto office market. The Region is planning for a mix of employment types to support the development of complete communities through its Employment Strategy and Growth Management work program.

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