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Peel Region

Traffic Count Information

The Region of Peel conducts annual vehicular traffic volume count programs. All count program data helps determine growth rates and traffic patterns, and is used in operational and capital projects.

The following studies can be requested from the Region of Peel.

Turning Movement Counts (TMC)

Fee for 8-hour manual count: $28.84
A TMC is an 8-hour turning movement count conducted by an observer at an intersection. The observer records the number and types of vehicles, the number of pedestrians and specifies the direction of travel for all movements. TMCs are summarized to give peak hour volumes.

Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR)

Fee per location: $28.84
ATRs are typically installed to collect traffic volumes using rubber tubing stretched across the roadway and connected to a mechanical counting device. The tubes are installed on the roadway for a 24-hour period to record vehicle volume. Special ATR tubes classify vehicle types and record speeds.

Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT)

Fee: Free
AADTs are factored numbers, based on ATR volumes and an adjustment factor. AADT data is summarized and broken down to represent the 24-hour average total volume passing a point on the roadway.

Traffic Count Information Requests

To request traffic count information, call 905-791-7800, extension 7905.

Payment must be received prior to preparation of information, and can be made using Visa, MasterCard, or a cheque made payable to "Region of Peel".

Contact Traffic Inquiries for Questions concerning traffic and transportation.